[Evolution] mails retrieved through davmail disappear

Xavier Bestel n0made at free.fr
Tue Oct 6 08:01:56 UTC 2015

Le mercredi 30 septembre 2015 à 11:26 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams a
écrit :
> Quoting Xavier Bestel <n0made at free.fr>:
> > I'm using Evolution 3.16 to access work email through davmail
> > (because
> > I have to), with IMAP/CaldDAV/LDAP. My problem is that on mail
> > receive,
> > I see a notification with the Subject line of the new mail, when I
> > enter the corresponding INBOX I see briefly that the mail arrived
> > but
> > it disappears after like half a second.
> > And then the only mean to really see it is to quit Evo and restart
> > it.
> > Does that ring any bell ?
> I have not used DavMail but I wonder if perhaps you have a preview  
> open and once the message is 'seen' it disappears from the view.
> Do you possibly have your view set to "Unread Messages", if so if you
> change that to "All Messages" are the messages visible?
> If you have a preview open sitting on a message for a particular  
> timeout will change the status of the message to read.
> gsettings get org.gnome.evolution.mail mark-seen-timeout

Nope, I'm a long-time Evo user and I have tried all the obvious (to me)
things I could think of. Sometimes when I switch to the davmail account
in Evo some read mails even become unread again !
But generally the only way to see new mails is to quit and restart Evo.
It's a bit unnerving.


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