[Evolution] DEB files 3.18.1 from https://launchpad.net/~tista/+archive/ubuntu/wayland/+build/8104779

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at rocketmail.com
Fri Oct 16 19:56:10 UTC 2015

On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 15:33:55 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
>On Fri, 2015-10-16 at 20:44 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> >Usually if you just put them all on the command line (or run "dpkg
>> >-i *.deb") then dpkg will figure it out.  
>> Only if all dependencies are already installed. If the dependencies
>> are not installed, than dpkg will not install the packages, if you
>> only use the -i option.  
>Sure... dpkg doesn't install other packages at all, regardless of
>options: it's a low-level tool without network download capability.
>But dpkg will tell you what's missing and you can go install those via
>apt-get or whatever.
>There are, of course, other ways to do it if you prefer.

As already pointed out, the OP could resolve dependencies by apt-get,
after installing with dpkg and a force option.

[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ man dpkg | grep force-things ; man dpkg |
grep depends --force-things
       --no-force-things, --refuse-things
              configure-any: Configure also any unpacked but
unconfigured packages on which the current package depends. depends:
Turn all dependency problems into warnings. depends-version: Don't care
about versions when checking dependencies. --ignore-depends=package,...
[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ man apt-get | grep fix
           A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the
source name with an equals and then the version to -f, --fix-broken
       -m, --ignore-missing, --fix-missing

However, this doesn't solve another issue for inexperienced users. Wily
isn't released yet,
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseSchedule , so it's still
possible that a soname issue could happen,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soname . Since the packages aren't from
official repositories the OP might need to compile against a new lib
after updating official packages.


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