[Evolution] pasting multiple emails from text file as recipient

Pete Biggs pete at biggs.org.uk
Mon Feb 26 09:15:39 UTC 2018

Please, we need to know the version of Evolution you are using.

> I want to copy multiple emails from a text file (one per line,
> separated by newline) as recipient.

It took me a few attempts of reading that to realise that you meant
"email addresses" not the emails themselves.

> When I simply copy the text file content (Ctrl-A)

Do you mean Ctrl-A?  That just selects all the text - don't you mean

>  and paste it (Ctrl-V) into the TO or CC input field, it does not
> work, the newline characters don't seem to be recognized as recipient
>       separator.

That's probably because the newline character isn't a valid separator
in the To: field.

But, nevertheless, it works for me. I'm using Evolution 3.26.5.


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