[Evolution-users] Evolution compose not full screen width

Milan Crha mcrha at redhat.com
Mon Apr 3 06:26:57 UTC 2023

On Sat, 2023-04-01 at 18:26 -0400, Rick Stanley via evolution-users
> When I compose, reply, forward, etc... a message, the message screen
> opens up very narrow, not even half screen width. I have to manually
> expand the message to full screen width.  In a reply some of the text
> is not fully displayed on the right of the message.

do you mean the window is large enough, but the text is not visible
(even it's there?) on some portion on the right side of the window? The
plain text mails do wrap the text after 71 letters, that's on purpose,
for the Normal paragraph style. The HTML mails do not auto-wrap.

> What setting do I need to change to force the message screen to view
> full screen width? 

There is no such option, apart of auto-wrapping width mentioned above.
It sounds like this is a visual thing, then I'm afraid it's something
with the WebKitGTK, which is responsible for the drawing and all those
things. Maybe try to downgrade it? No idea what version of the
WebKitGTK you've installed; Evolution seems to be 3.46.4. Maybe try to
switch between Wayland and X11, if your desktop environment allows it.


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