[Evolution-users] Evolution compose not full screen width

Rick Stanley rstanley at rsiny.com
Mon Apr 3 12:55:40 UTC 2023

You miss my point.

When I compose a new message, or reply, etc..., the new window displays
full height, but less than HALF the screen width.  I have to manually
expand the window to FULL WIDTH!

Evolution used to display new message windows FULL SCREEN!

I would like to change whatever setting I need to change to correct
this issue!  I have been unable to locate the setting that needs to be

This is an issue with Evolution, as I have had no other issues with any
other application.  I should NOT have to downgrade Evolution.  That is
not the way to correct a problem or bug.

Thank you!


On Mon, 2023-04-03 at 08:26 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-users
> On Sat, 2023-04-01 at 18:26 -0400, Rick Stanley via evolution-users
> wrote:
> > When I compose, reply, forward, etc... a message, the message
> > screen
> > opens up very narrow, not even half screen width. I have to
> > manually
> > expand the message to full screen width.  In a reply some of the
> > text
> > is not fully displayed on the right of the message.
>         Hi,
> do you mean the window is large enough, but the text is not visible
> (even it's there?) on some portion on the right side of the window?
> The
> plain text mails do wrap the text after 71 letters, that's on
> purpose,
> for the Normal paragraph style. The HTML mails do not auto-wrap.
> > What setting do I need to change to force the message screen to
> > view
> > full screen width? 
> There is no such option, apart of auto-wrapping width mentioned
> above.
> It sounds like this is a visual thing, then I'm afraid it's something
> with the WebKitGTK, which is responsible for the drawing and all
> those
> things. Maybe try to downgrade it? No idea what version of the
> WebKitGTK you've installed; Evolution seems to be 3.46.4. Maybe try
> to
> switch between Wayland and X11, if your desktop environment allows
> it.
>         Bye,
>         Milan

RSI (Rick Stanley, Inc.)
(917) 822-7771
IT  Consulting
Linux & Open Source Specialist

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