[Evolution-users] Business email servers rejecting IMAP email from Evolution or is there another problem???

Patrick O'Callaghan poc at usb.ve
Mon Apr 10 21:31:14 UTC 2023

On Mon, 2023-04-10 at 14:29 -0400, Dr. John H. Lauterbach wrote:
> 3.48.0 (by Flathub.org) 
> I have had email I have sent from my two cpanel email accounts just
> disappear without
> getting to the recipients or a rejection notice being sent to me.
>  The first time I
> knew for sure that this was happening, I was on the phone with a
> local office of a
> major US-based investment advisory service.  I kept sending email
> from an IMAP
> account based with GoDaddy.  This account is one of two I use for my
> scientific
> consulting business.  When I sent a similar email using the IMPAP
> account I have with
> my ISP (Spectrum/Times-Warner) the email went through.  Previous
> email from my
> Godaddy IMAP  to an office of the same investment firm in another
> state always went
> through without a problem.
> Today, I found I had the same problem with a cpanel IMAP account I
> have with Arvixe.
>  This is the same email account I am using for this message.
>  Prospective client
> called me up as he did not receive the information I had promised to
> send him by this
> morning.  When I resent the email using the email associated with my
> ISP, he received
> the message without problems.
> Is there a solution to this problem?

It's unclear what this has to do with Evolution, as you only mention a
cpanel mailer in your report.

Furthermore, IMAP has nothing to do with sending mail, only with
receiving it. Mail is sent using SMTP.

The problem would appear to be with your mail provider(s) or possibly
with the cpanel system, but it's hard to know without further tests.
I'd suggest trying a different mailer (Evo or Thunderbird for example)
to see what happens.


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