[Evolution-users] Using Evolution to post(!) to a newsgroup

Volker Bartheld evolution at bartheld.net
Wed Apr 19 07:10:18 UTC 2023

... this mail accidentially was sent directly to Milan, because of the 
Reply-To header. My apologies. Milan then replied that for e-mail and 
NNTP accounts being present in Evolution, one should use CTRL-L to reply 
to the list.

I'll have a look and see if that solves my issue.

Thanks again for your help.


Hi Milan!

Am 2023-04-19 07:52, schrieb Milan Crha via evolution-users:
> On Tue, 2023-04-18 at 17:05 +0200, Volker Bartheld wrote:
>> Is there any HowTo or other information on how to accomplish this?
> whether to have a sending server or not. The
> answer is: no sending server is needed. You can choose sendmail or even
> None for it when creating the account.

Oh. Interesting. I really thought I had tried this and it didn't work 
for me. Perhaps overlooked a little detail. Because somehow, the...

> With this, when you select a mail in the newsgroup folder (it probably
> will not work for those imported from the .mbox format) and press
> Ctrl+R to reply to it, the composer will open in a different mode,
> showing a "Post To" option instead of To/Cc,

... "Post To" option did not come up. Instead, I was presented a mail 
composer with the recipient address being that of the person who posted 
the message. Could something like this happen because I had configured a 
"real" e-mail account (POP3S, SSMTP) as well? Would there be any way to 
decide whether you want to post to the newsgroup or reply to the 
originator via PM?

Yes, I know that's a quite common and embarassing mishap for Thunderbird 
users that they post if they want to send an e-mail and vice versa. I'm 
aware of that, but really want to have a single solution for e-mail AND 
NNTP. There, Evolution seems to fit the bill perfectly, better than Pan, 
KMail, Thunderbird, Claws Mail/Sylpheed, KNode, Liferea or 40tude/Wine. 
Pan is quite nice, but it obviously has no way of importing old messages 
and maintaining a proper offline database is close to impossible.

> prefilled with the
> newsgroup the message belongs to. And that's it. When you'll send it,
> it'll be posted to the selected newsgroup.

I'll try again. Let's see if an existing e-mail account makes a 

Thanks for the instructions.


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