[Evolution-users] Using Evolution to post(!) to a newsgroup

Volker Bartheld evolution at bartheld.net
Thu Apr 20 10:10:35 UTC 2023

Hi Milan!

Am 2023-04-20 11:42, schrieb Milan Crha via evolution-users:
> On Thu, 2023-04-20 at 10:00 +0200, Volker Bartheld wrote:
>> So I tried the process again yesterday. Evolution 3.36.5-0ubuntu1 on
>> Linux Mint Mate 20 "Ulyssa", if that matters.
> yes, it definitely matters. The 3.36.5 is ancient, it had been released
> on 2020-08-07, thus it's almost three years old.

Weird that this outdated version still ships with (rather) current 
versions of Linux Mint Mate. I'm by no means a Linux expert and I'd 
really like to avoid building evolution from a tarball available at 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution and rather use binaries via PPA or 
a .deb package. However, the instructions on 
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution/Flatpak are reasonably clear and 
will probably also work on Linux Mint. Let's keep our fingers crossed 
that the overhead is acceptable.

> If you cannot get the current stable series

I'd love to do that on Linux Mint but is there any other possibility 
than following the steps mentioned on 
https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Evolution/, i. e. the usual

sudo apt-get install evolution

? Perhaps an approach similar to what Wilf has mentioned in 
will work.

> then I suggest you try the
> Flatpak version from the https://flathub.org . It has its own quirks,
> some users have trouble running it, but it's the way to get the latest
> code to the distributions, which do not update the packages.

Sure. I'll try.

Thanks again for the clarification.


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