[Evolution-users] Did the database structure change between Evolution versions 3.28-5 and 3.44-4?

Volker Bartheld evolution at bartheld.net
Sat Sep 30 19:48:08 UTC 2023

On Sat, 2023-09-30 at 10:17 -0700, Lambertus Struik via evolution-users wrote:
> > but rsync has issues with SAMBA
> > on certain Ubuntu/Linux Mint versions:
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2007055
> > In the end, I was updating the Kernel and the issues went away. 

> Thank you for that tip. The situation appears the same as that on my Ubuntu
> 22.04 computer. Hopefully the updates help my situation too. 

Good luck! It was quite hard for me to believe that something as old as SAMBA,
rsync, CIFS, ... still has a development curve.

> Thank you to the list supporters for the tips for having two matching “On This
> Computer” folder sets across computers with Evolution. 

There might also be the possibility of moving Evolution's configuration/database
from ~/.local/evolution/ to some other share that several computers could use
concurrently. But that is probably something the pros in this mailing list could
elaborate on.

Yeah, sure IMAP and stuff. I hate it for several reasons. One being that I have
zero intention to upload 10GB worth of data to some server for the sole purpose
of being able to share it across various clients.


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