[gsoc-dev] [Ganeti-Cluster-Visualization]

Piotr Banaszkiewicz piotr at banaszkiewicz.org
Fri Jun 28 22:05:49 UTC 2013

Hi Pranjal,

I'm glad you're taking my comments into account.

As per your question on IRC: I was using Chromium and, indeed, as you
observed, Firefox is waaaay slower. I actually don't see the animation
at all when using Fx. It's kinda... slideshow.

I haven't ever used Kinetic JS, so I don't have any samples of its
usage. And I just want to clarify what I think is important here:
making the graph's nodes fixed. If they have static positions, every
user will be able to quickly identify nodes he/she is interested in.

As a side effect of that change you might actually fix my low
performance issue (in terms of both low framerate on Firefox and huge
battery draining on Chromium).

Do you by any chance maintain a GIT repo so that I can follow your
code changes and try them out on my machine?

- Piotr Banaszkiewicz

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 8:49 PM, pranjal mittal
<mittal.pranjal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Piotr,
> I was working on your suggestions, with making things a little more fixed
> and trying out Kinetic JS for the Cluster Graph Visualization.
> (1)
> I was exploring Kinetic JS more.
> Now I know its a much better library. More stable, and well maintained. (in
> comparison to Arbor JS)
> But some important issues I am facing with it is drawing edges and tweening
> of nodes. It lacks some features we need in here.
> Its very good to draw "statistical graphs", but it will take me a lot more
> research to be able to draw network representations out of it.
> But, its an interesting possibility which I am looking into in additional
> time.
> Do you have any reference to some sort of a Network graph drawn using
> Kinetic JS? (I mean with nodes and edges)
> (2)
> I also tried making things fixed with the current graph, by tweaking the
> simulation & node constants in Arbor.
>  But it becomes really weird then.
> - You have to pull out all the instance_vertices's off the node_vertices's
> manually. Drag and drop.
> or
> -  If I just fix the ganetinode_vertices by making use of a "fixed:true"
> attribute (just for these ganetinode_vertices) when creating tje Arbor Node
> objects, then..
> these vertices land up too close and become cluttered initially and then do
> not move far away since they are fixed.
> I am trying to see if there is a way I could control the initial positions
> where these vertices are rendered.
> Thank you for the feedback. :-)
> Regards,
> - Pranjal

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