[Intel-wired-lan] [PATCH net-next v1] i40e: implement VF stats NDO

Shannon Nelson shannon.lee.nelson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 22:02:12 UTC 2019

On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 11:37 AM Jesse Brandeburg
<jesse.brandeburg at intel.com> wrote:
> Implement the VF stats gathering via the kernel via ndo_get_vf_stats().
> The driver will show per-VF stats in the output of the
> ip -s link show dev <PF>
> command.
> Testing Hints (Required if no HSD): ip -s link show dev eth0,
> will return non-zero VF stats.

Oh, I remember the "HSD" acronym... but it isn't needed in an external patch.

> Signed-off-by: Jesse Brandeburg <jesse.brandeburg at intel.com>
> ---


> +       vf_stats->rx_packets = stats->rx_unicast + stats->rx_broadcast +
> +               stats->rx_multicast;
> +       vf_stats->tx_packets = stats->tx_unicast + stats->tx_broadcast +
> +               stats->tx_multicast;
> +       vf_stats->rx_bytes   = stats->rx_bytes;
> +       vf_stats->tx_bytes   = stats->tx_bytes;
> +       vf_stats->broadcast  = stats->rx_broadcast + stats->tx_broadcast;
> +       vf_stats->multicast  = stats->rx_multicast + stats->tx_multicast;

Are you sure these are supposed to count up both Tx and Rx multicast
and broadcast?  With a quick peek at VF stats output from "ip -s link"
I see that only the Rx line mcast and bcast, the Tx line does not.  I
would infer that we're only counting what has been received.

    vf 0 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking off, link-state auto, trust off
    RX: bytes  packets  mcast   bcast
    0          0        0       0
    TX: bytes  packets
    0          0

I suspect there's a definition somewhere, but I haven't stumbled
across it recently.

(yes, I still occasionally read these patches)


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