[Intel-wired-lan] [next-queue PATCH v2 2/2] igc: Add support for ETF offloading

Andre Guedes andre.guedes at linux.intel.com
Tue Feb 11 18:16:03 UTC 2020

Hi Vinicius,

Quoting Vinicius Costa Gomes (2020-02-10 17:13:13)
> >> @@ -4600,6 +4661,9 @@ static int igc_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, enum tc_setup_type type,
> >>         case TC_SETUP_QDISC_TAPRIO:
> >>                 return igc_tsn_enable_qbv_scheduling(adapter, type_data);
> >>  
> >> +       case TC_SETUP_QDISC_ETF:
> >> +               return igc_tsn_enable_launchtime(adapter, type_data);
> >
> > Consider the scenario where both TAPRIO and ETF offloads are disabled and we
> > want to enable ETF offload. ETF depends on adapter->base_time is set to work
> > properly, but I couldn't find where in this patch it is set. Could you please
> > clarify that?
> '->base_time' doesn't need to be set, i.e. if it's zero (which is the
> case that only ETF offloading is enabled), it should be fine. H
> ow we calculate the launchtime in igc_tx_launchtime() is able to handle
> 'base_time_ being zero just fine, and the BASET_{L,H} registers will
> have sane values when it's zero as well.

If '->base_time' is never set, I suspect ETF disabling has an issue. See this
piece of code:

int igc_tsn_offload_apply(struct igc_adapter *adapter)
        bool is_any_enabled = adapter->base_time || is_any_launchtime(adapter);

        if (!(adapter->flags & IGC_FLAG_TSN_QBV_ENABLED) && !is_any_enabled)
                return 0;


By the time igc_tsn_offload_apply() is called, we had already set
'ring->launchtime' to false. Since IGC_FLAG_TSN_QBV_ENABLED isn't set and
'is_any_enabled' is false, we return without calling igc_tsn_disable_offload().

What am I missing?



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