[Intel-wired-lan] [PATCH net v1 0/2] igc: Fix Pause Frame Advertising

Muhammad Husaini Zulkifli muhammad.husaini.zulkifli at intel.com
Fri Feb 19 16:36:46 UTC 2021


Kindly help to review below patches.

Summary of each patches as per below:
Patch 1: To fix "Advertised pause frame use" advertising when tx and rx are in off state with AutoNegotiate off.
Patch 2: To fix "Supported pause frame use" output via ethtool where the bit is not set.

Tested with Intel® Ethernet Controller I225(Rev4).


Muhammad Husaini Zulkifli (2):
  igc: Fix Pause Frame Advertising
  igc: Fix Supported Pause Frame Link Setting

 drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igc/igc_ethtool.c | 7 ++++---
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


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