[Intel-wired-lan] [RFC PATCH net v2] iavf: Fix lost VF MAC when repeatedly set same MAC

Gardocki, PiotrX piotrx.gardocki at intel.com
Tue Apr 25 16:42:43 UTC 2023

Hello Ding,

Thanks for the report. Intel is already aware of this issue and the fix 
should be available in the next release. The way we fixed that is that 
we're checking whether request from kernel is to change MAC address to 
the same address that's already applied. This way we're limiting the 
number of virtchnl calls.
I think your patch is also valid, but one minor problem with it is that 
IAVF_FLAG_AQ_DEL_MAC_FILTER flag in aq_required is not being cleared. 
I'm pasting below our solution. We also have a plan to send this code to 
upstream, so the final solution might change if community will raise any 

diff --git a/iavf_main.c b/iavf_main.c
index 51267049..60e32746 100644
--- a/iavf_main.c
+++ b/iavf_main.c
@@ -1190,6 +1190,9 @@ int iavf_replace_primary_mac(struct iavf_adapter 
         struct iavf_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
         struct iavf_mac_filter *new_f;

+       if (ether_addr_equal(new_mac, hw->mac.addr))
+               return 0;

         new_f = iavf_add_filter(adapter, new_mac);


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