[peeragogy-handbook] Editorial Strategy: starting with a response to the Augment reading group

Joe Corneli joseph.corneli at hyperreal.enterprises
Mon Dec 28 17:39:45 UTC 2020

Dear Peers,


- We have a good source of "content editing" information to work from

- I’ll create many threads here to start to process it into prose/edits

BACKGROUND: Augment reading group

On October 29, 2019 we kicked off a reading group that went through
PHv3.  As we discussed in our podcast episode with Howard and Bryan
("Peeragogy in Action #4: The Collaborative Process of Creating a Book",
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWQCVl0dJws), the reading group
performed something approximating a "distributed" version of the
Editorial-Content role.

There wasn’t any explicit copyright waiver for the comments from the
MetaCAugs/Augmentation reading group added — but that’s OK since they
were by in large strictly "editorial" in nature and never intended to go
into the Handbook!

ACTION PLAN: Mailing list threads for each chapter

My plan is to post *responses* to the key comments here; my copyright is
cleared.  For coherent bookkeeping, I’ll start a thread for each chapter
in v3.  Naturally my preliminary comments may need further refinement
and negotiation before they’re ready to go into the Handbook!  So, this
is likely to be a multi-stage process.  I hope other contributors will
join in!  I’ll just add a kind reminder to discussants here to please
sign the waiver if you haven’t done so already, so that we can move
material from any ensuing discussions into the Handbook as needed.

With regards,

Dr Joseph A. Corneli (https://github.com/holtzermann17)

HYPERREAL ENTERPRISES LTD is a private company limited by shares, incorporated
25th, June 2019 as Company Number 634284 on the Register of Companies for
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