[peeragogy-handbook] Peeragogy

Joe Corneli joseph.corneli at hyperreal.enterprises
Mon Mar 29 14:11:07 UTC 2021

Contact Mr. Danoff's Teaching Laboratory writes:

> Also, this was shared with me that seemed aligned?
> https://mailchi.mp/df35c899295a/the-solution-is-the-problem-521648

Great poem, and, indeed, it is aligned and useful.

Today, I’ve just came from a grant-development meeting where we were
talking about how a certain funding agency, the Templeton Foundation,
doesn’t want solutions or technology as outcomes from their grant
project.  What they want are ‘bigger problems’.  That’s super exciting!

So for example: how to go from not being sure how children learn
morality from stories (or whether they do)... to starting to ask a
completely different question about how morality evolves in culture,
drawing on simulation approaches...

With the Peeragogy Handbook, we’ve come across many people who have
said: “I haven’t had a chance to read the book” or “I haven’t read the
whole thing.”  What if instead of making the book densely packed and
academic, at least 50% of it was light, easy and pleasurable to read —
maybe 3 lines per page with lots of pictures, more similar to our
‘Paragogy’ book?

So, moving from trying to write about peer learning and peer production
to engaging an even bigger question: how does writing and communication

Dr Joseph A. Corneli (https://github.com/holtzermann17)

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