[Replicant] pinephone chief wants to ship phones to a replicant manager denis please read this post

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org
Sun Aug 18 17:00:47 UTC 2019

On Sat, 17 Aug 2019 10:34:39 +0300
"ni nhar" <ninhar at inbox.lv> wrote:

I think that the pinephone should be one of our  
Phones that have free software bootloaders are a priority of the
Replicant project. The decision the Replicant project took, and the
funding we applied for do reflect that.

Supporting devices through upstream kernels is work that is meant to be
reused for devices with free software bootloaders like the PinePhone.

However that work is not complete yet, so it makes sense to finish that
work first as it enable us to support the PinePhone even better after
that as we are able to look for regressions compare things with
Replicant 6.

On my side I'll be at the CCC Camp 2019 so that's why I was busy with
other things lately. 

Also, I bricked my I9300 while restoring the stock OS, as I needed to
restore the EFS and other partitions that got corrupt. So once I repair
it or get a new one I'll be able to resume the work on the modem.

Someone is helping me get some devices, which will also include a
Galaxy Note II (N7100) and Galaxy Note II 4G (N7105), as not having
theses devices slow me down because a patch that I need to upstream
also touch theses devices, and I'm required to test the patches I send
upstream before sending them.

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