[Replicant] Wiki revamp: tree-like structure, duplicates, outdated and deprecated

dllud dllud at riseup.net
Tue Aug 20 20:20:22 UTC 2019

Hi everybody,

(While waiting for a full Replicant 9 build, and) since I'll have to
document lots of stuff in the wiki, I decided to give it a review in
terms of structure.

What I did was:
1. Organize pages into a tree-like structure according to themes:
2. Harmonize page names (i.e., CamelCase on all).

Hopefully these changes won't break a thing. Redmine seems to keep track
of all name changes, and the parent-child relations are mostly
transparent to readers (they seem targeted to editors).

While at it, I found a few instances of the typical issue that arises
when information lacks proper structure: duplication. Here's an example:

Here are a few further things that I could do, but didn't, as it's
better to wait for comments:

1. Remove the "Replicant" prefix from the name of several pages
(ReplicantArtwork, ReplicantImages, ReplicantInfrastructure,
ReplicantInstallation, ReplicantReleaseKey, etc.). I feel that this is
quite redundant. Most pages on the wiki are about Replicant, and several
do not have the "Replicant" prefix on their name already. IMO removing
this prefix would improve the browsing experience throughout the wiki.

2. Delete the deprecated pages that followed Wolfgang's update procedure
from 4.2 to 6.0:
All the history is already kept on the pages that are now live.

Thoughts on this?

Several pages are still in need of an update from Replicant 4.2 to 6.0:
- https://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/ReplicantSDK
- https://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/SDK
- https://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/NDKBuild

Others are totally irrelevant now, and thus I deprecated them:
(neither ADT or Replicant 4.2 are maintained for a few years now).


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