[Replicant] Assembly at 36C3 - Banner Idea

Adonay Felipe Nogueira adfeno at hyperbola.info
Wed Dec 11 09:13:51 UTC 2019

11 de dez de 2019 12:56:22 AM dllud :
> When I open the Scribus file it tells me that the following font is
> missing: AR PL UKai CN Book
> This is strange, since that's not the Replicant font. Did you really use
> this font somewhere? Or is it an old artefact of some sort?
Apparently this shouldn't be a problem in the .PDF nor when the Scribus file is exported, since the text was manually converted to path, but I'll recheck the source files again just to be sure. Don't worry, you don't need to stop the print job.

- Página com formas de contato:
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11 de dez de 2019 12:56:22 AM dllud <dllud at riseup.net>:
> Thanks a lot Adonay!
> I've now sent the PDF for printing. It was properly recognized by
> print24's system and confirmed to be according to the expected
> dimensions (screenshot in the attachments, I had to use the German
> website otherwise they wouldn't accept the shipping address).
> I've now added it to the wiki:
> https://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/PromotionalMedia
> When I open the Scribus file it tells me that the following font is
> missing: AR PL UKai CN Book
> This is strange, since that's not the Replicant font. Did you really use
> this font somewhere? Or is it an old artefact of some sort?
> On 10/12/2019 20:00, Adonay Felipe Nogueira wrote:
> > Em 10/12/2019 11:05, Adonay Felipe Nogueira escreveu:
> >> I hope that the attached files have the right properties now.
> > 
> > Here follows a small update affecting only the color chart.
> > 
> > 
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