[Replicant] [PATCH][vendor/replicant] Remove RepWifi as the system settings can now use external WiFi adapters

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org
Wed Dec 11 22:56:45 UTC 2019

Since the following commit in frameworks_opt_net_wifi:
"94f9a24 Add native Android support for external WiFi dongles",
we can now use the system settings to setup connection with
external WiFi adapters.

Even if the power on/off of the internal WiFi chip was not looked into,
it has been tested on most of the devices supported by Replicant.

It would be a good idea to look into it later on to potentially improve
the power consumption.

Here are the test results:
| Device | WiFi      | Status   |
| I9100  | ath9k_htc | Failing  |
| I9100  | internal  | Firmware |
| I9250  | ath9k_htc | Working  |
| I9250  | internal  | Firmware |
| I9300  | ath9k_htc | Working  |
| I9300  | internal  | Firmware |
| I9305  | ath9k_htc | Working  |
| I9305  | internal  | Firmware |
| N7000  | ath9k_htc | Failing  |
| N7000  | internal  | Firmware |

Here the failures are probably due to the hardware not being able to
give enough current to the USB WiFi adapter.
Firmware means that the WiFi is not working without the nonfree firmware.
Working means that the device was successfully able to connect to
a WiFi network.

Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org>
 config/common.mk                                          | 1 -
 .../apps/Trebuchet/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml      | 8 --------
 2 files changed, 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config/common.mk b/config/common.mk
index a3b1e7eb..6cd9f315 100644
--- a/config/common.mk
+++ b/config/common.mk
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \
     evtest \
     F-DroidPrivilegedExtension \
     ReplicantWallpapers \
-    RepWifi \
 # Exchange support
diff --git a/overlay/softwaregl/packages/apps/Trebuchet/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml b/overlay/softwaregl/packages/apps/Trebuchet/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml
index a64f191c..a99e07ed 100644
--- a/overlay/softwaregl/packages/apps/Trebuchet/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml
+++ b/overlay/softwaregl/packages/apps/Trebuchet/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml
@@ -45,14 +45,6 @@
             launcher:className="org.fdroid.fdroid.FDroid" />
-    <favorite
-            launcher:packageName="fil.libre.repwifiapp"
-            launcher:className="fil.libre.repwifiapp.activities.MainActivity"
-            launcher:screen="1"
-            launcher:x="3"
-            launcher:y="3" />
     <!-- Screen [2] -->

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