[Replicant] [libsamsung-ipc][PATCH 18/48] includes: disp.h: switch to Linux code style

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org
Sun Apr 5 18:20:52 UTC 2020

This contains no functional changes.

The commented out code if any has also been preserved as it
could be relevant to the understanding of the code.

It will be kept until we understand why the code has been
commented. In that case we either need to remove it completely
or to replace it by a comment explaining why not having that
code was necessary.

Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org>
 include/disp.h | 30 ++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/disp.h b/include/disp.h
index 7aad5ee..d3f9671 100644
--- a/include/disp.h
+++ b/include/disp.h
@@ -27,39 +27,37 @@
  * Commands
-#define IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO                                      0x0701
-#define IPC_DISP_HOMEZONE_INFO                                  0x0702
-#define IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO                                      0x0706
+#define IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO					0x0701
+#define IPC_DISP_HOMEZONE_INFO					0x0702
+#define IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO					0x0706
  * Values
-#define IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO_FLAG_RSSI                            0x01
-#define IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO_FLAG_BATTERY                         0x02
-#define IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO_FLAG_HDR_RSSI                        0x03
-#define IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO_FLAG_ALL                             0xFF
  * Structures
 struct ipc_disp_icon_info_response_data {
-    unsigned char flags; // IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO_FLAG
-    unsigned char rssi;
-    unsigned char hdr_rssi;
-    unsigned char battery;
+	unsigned char flags;		/* IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO_FLAG */
+	unsigned char rssi;
+	unsigned char hdr_rssi;
+	unsigned char battery;
 } __attribute__((__packed__));
 struct ipc_disp_icon_info_request_data {
-    unsigned char flags; // IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO_FLAG
+	unsigned char flags;		/* IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO_FLAG */
 } __attribute__((__packed__));
 struct ipc_disp_rssi_info_data {
-    unsigned char rssi;
+	unsigned char rssi;
 } __attribute__((__packed__));
-// vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+#endif /* __SAMSUNG_IPC_DISP_H__ */

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