[Replicant] Anbox freedom review; Replicant components inside the LXC?

Adonay Felipe Nogueira adfeno at hyperbola.info
Tue Aug 4 12:23:37 UTC 2020

Em 04/08/2020 05:24, J. R. Haigh escreveu:
> Would licence compliance complication be mitigated if the Android components required by Anbox were replaced by Replicant components? If all of the software being packaged is Free Software then surely licence compliance is less of an issue.
> […]
> Yes, a freedom review of Anbox is a very good idea. (Hence I changed the subjectline accordingly.)

In regards to reviewing the freedom of the Anbox software, since it
seems to be a software (not a system distribution), a good way to make
the review request visible is by participating in the Free Software
Directory meetings ([1]).

> Licensing is such a pain and hindrance to creativity and innovation.

That is because pundits started making short license notices which don't
follow any standard and where the licenses originally didn't provided
those, and even for those that provided them, we see anomalies. If all
license notices were respected and kept as they are or SPDX were to be
respected, filtering and aggregating the list of licenses or making an
SPDX Bill of Materials (BOF) would be easy (long standing ovation to
FSFE's REUSE initiative on explaining and providing template for the
generic developers to ease this process, [2]). The Free Software
Directory knows some tools to ease this process ([3]), but many give
wrong results — either because they are based on word search — or
require dedicated server setup (like FOSSology, [4]).

# References

[1]: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Main_Page#Participate .
[2]: https://reuse.software/ .
[3]: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Free_Software_Directory:Scripts .
[4]: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/FOSSology .

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