[Replicant] [vendor_replicant-scripts] [PATCH v3 1/3] Add script to generate the key-migration.sh script

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org
Thu Oct 8 14:49:23 UTC 2020


I forgot to remove the mention of the usage of packages.xml

On Fri,  2 Oct 2020 15:50:53 +0200
Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org> wrote:
> +def usage(progname):
> +    print ('Usage:')
> +    print ('\t{} gen-script <key-migration.sh>'
> +           ' <OLD>'
> +           ' <NEW>'.format(progname))
> +    print ('Possible arguments for OLD or NEW:')
> +    print ('\t- the path to vendor/replicant-security')
> +    print ('\t  or other directory with keys and certificates')
> +    print ('\t- the path to'
> +           ' vendor/replicant-data/distros/releases/certificates/')
> +    print ('\t  or other directory that has directories with'
> +           ' keys and certificates')
> +    print ('''Example of use with a device\'s packages.xml:
print ('''Example of use:

> +	adb root
> +	adb pull /data/system/packages.xml
Both lines needs to be removed

> +	{} gen-script \\
> +	\tvendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bin/key-migration.sh \\
> +
> \tpackages.xmlvendor/replicant-data/distros/releases/certificates/ \\
There is a typo here, the packages.xml needs to be removed like that:
\tvendor/replicant-data/distros/releases/certificates/ \\

I also need to modify the README to fix that there as well.

I'll send a v4 with all that changes.

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