[Replicant] Exposure Notification not working

Korbinian Demmel kdemmel at posteo.de
Sun Oct 18 20:34:09 UTC 2020

Hi Nick,

thanks for your report.

Did you check if your device actually sends BLE beacons?
At the beginning of the german tracing app I configured an i9305 (S3 LTE) with Lineage, OpenGApps and the
app (this not free SW) and *it seemed* to work but did **not**!
Reason was that BLE beacons could be received, but not sended. I checked that with 'nRF Connect' which is
able to trace bluetooth packets and shows additional information also for BLE beacons. Furthermore it is
able to list device capabilities. In my case 'Periphal mode' was not availabble.
At the end I have tried dozen different (questionable) ROMs till I found one which in fact supports pheriphal
mode and thus was able to send BLE beacons.
I am still not sure if the signal strength is as strong as it should be. My gut feeling is that it is too
weak which would make the estimated risk wrong and thus useless.
Nevertheless. I am still running four devices with that setup for my family.

It would be good to know if your setup is able to send BLE beacons. Perhaps you can check that with another
Furthermore I at least know that the i9305 is able to send them if used kernel/firmware supports it. Dunni
about i9300.

Btw, regarding free SW variant for this to work there is an interesting threads on Github of the german
tracing app (CWA, Corona Warn App). Most likely you already know that, I will post the link just in case.
I also post the link [2] which is related to my non-free setup.

[1] https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-app-android/issues/75
[2] https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-wishlist/issues/192


On 14.10.20 15:13, Nick wrote:
> Apologies for the list traffic, I just realised I missed out a step
> from the below instructions.
>> To be more explicit, these are the steps I took to get it to work:
>> - Installed the bluetooth firmware using the script at
>>    https://code.fossencdi.org/firmwares_nonfree.git
> The part I missed out should go here:
> - Add the microG repository to your Fdroid:
> https://microg.org/fdroid/repo
> (for signing key see https://microg.org/download.html)
>> - Installed microG from Fdroid
>> ...
> Nick
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