[Replicant] [libsamsung-ipc] Fix SIM not found in Replicant 6.0 0004 RC2

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org
Tue Sep 8 20:29:34 UTC 2020


This patch should now fix this annoying problem. If no more bugs are
found, the next step for the release will be to finish the work on 
migrating the data from the 6.0 0003. To do that we will also need to
see how to handle the certificates and keys being generated to not
have it again in the next Replicant releases.

In addition to the patch that will follow in a response to
this mail, here's an URL to the see the patch in a web interface:

And here's how to get it in a git repository:
git clone https://git.replicant.us/GNUtoo/hardware_replicant_libsamsung-ipc
cd hardware_replicant_libsamsung-ipc
git show c79bdae69a2c338c99fb11811b781286abbdfbbe


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