[Replicant] The IRC situation and Freenode hostile takeover

Adonay Felipe Nogueira adfeno at hyperbola.info
Wed Jun 9 17:41:56 UTC 2021

Em 09-06-2021 12:47, Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli escreveu:
> In order to enable more people to more easily get in touch with the
> Replicant community and to be more inclusive, over time we bridged
> the #replicant channel on Freenode with #replicant channels on other
> networks (OFTC and hackint), some of which are more welcoming to
> anonymous users. There is more background information about that in our
> wiki[1].

Have you also considered migrating to XMPP?

Despite being decentralized, IRC doesn't have implied federation, and
the accounts database (including memos, channel configurations, and
account registries) will always be held all at one place, so I think we
might see another one of such issues.

As an alternative, wait for FSF to see what they will do.

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