[Replicant] [libsamsung-ipc] Fixes and tool to send sms through http

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org
Fri Jun 17 16:15:32 UTC 2022


This serie contains mostly bug fixes, and a tool (https-send-sms) to
send SMS through a service provider API.

So far it only supports the French Free Mobile operator API and was
only tested with it, from an IP address of a French community ISP.

I've also code that works but is not yet ready to be sent (and so it's
not included in this serie) that enables ipc-modem to parse SMS (with
a lot of limitations, but this is only for testing so it's not an

The idea behind https-send-sms is be able to run tests where an SMS is
sent with https-send-sms and then have ipc-modem report back when that
same SMS arrived.

In addition to the patches that will follow in a response to
this mail, here's an URL to the see the patches in a web interface:

And here's how to get them in a git repository:
git clone https://git.replicant.us/GNUtoo/hardware_replicant_libsamsung-ipc
cd hardware_replicant_libsamsung-ipc
git show 1e1c6600ef5c768b665e497564086b6a8aa0bba7


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