[Replicant] 3G modems suddenly stopped working in Swizerland and France?
Luca Saiu
luca at ageinghacker.net
Thu Mar 23 01:59:36 UTC 2023
On 2023-03-23 at 02:46 +0100, Luca Saiu wrote:
> I live in Swizerland. I have just noticed that my Replicant phone which
> I have been using for some time now can no longer send SMS or do normal
> calls -- but the data connection works.
This is the log I see when trying to make a phone call, before in the
end receiving the error message “Mobile network not available”.
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
3-23 02:54:18.795 9513 9826 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
03-23 02:54:18.800 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallIntentProcessor: onReceive - isUnknownCall: false
03-23 02:54:18.800 9513 9513 I Telecom : Class: processOutgoingCallIntent handle = tel:%2B41789673223,scheme = tel, uriString = +41789673223, isSkipSchemaParsing = false, isAddParticipant = false, isCallPull = false
03-23 02:54:18.805 9513 9513 I Telecom : Event: Call 7: CREATED, null
03-23 02:54:18.805 9513 9513 I Telecom : Event: Call 7: SET_CONNECTING, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}
03-23 02:54:18.805 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: updateAudioStreamAndMode : mIsRinging: false, mIsTonePlaying: false, call: [129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}]
03-23 02:54:18.810 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: Found default-dialer's In-Call UI: ComponentInfo{com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl}
03-23 02:54:18.810 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: Attempting to bind to [def-dialer] InCall ComponentInfo{com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl}, with Intent { act=android.telecom.InCallService cmp=com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl (has extras) }
03-23 02:54:18.825 9513 9513 I Telecom : PhoneStateBroadcaster: Broadcasted state change: 2
03-23 02:54:18.825 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: updateAudioStreamAndMode : mIsRinging: false, mIsTonePlaying: false, call: [129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}]
03-23 02:54:18.825 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: requestAudioFocusAndSetMode : requesting stream: STEAM_NONE -> STREAM_VOICE_CALL
03-23 02:54:18.830 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: setInitialAudioState : audioState = [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER], call = [129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}]
03-23 02:54:18.830 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=0, hor=0, ui=0, aud=EARPIECE}
03-23 02:54:18.830 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - Proximity wake lock already released
03-23 02:54:18.830 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS
03-23 02:54:18.830 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER]
03-23 02:54:18.830 9513 9513 I Telecom : Event: Call 7: AUDIO_ROUTE, EARPIECE
03-23 02:54:18.835 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - setBoundAndWaitingForOutgoingCall: true
03-23 02:54:18.840 9513 10226 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10040000 cmp=com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallActivity (has extras)} from uid 10030 on display 0
03-23 02:54:18.845 2010 2010 D gralloc : Registering a buffer in the process that created it. This may cause memory ordering problems.
03-23 02:54:18.845 2010 2010 E libEGL : called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
03-23 02:54:18.845 2010 2010 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error -1378133962
03-23 02:54:18.845 2010 2010 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
03-23 02:54:18.850 9513 9513 I Telecom : NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster: Sending NewOutgoingCallBroadcast for [129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}]
03-23 02:54:18.870 9513 9513 I Telecom : TelecomSystem: CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery number=[f8f31965c07fe6dadd7098be307474479cf8809e] cookie=[129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}]
03-23 02:54:18.875 9513 9513 I MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from AudioFocus_For_Phone_Ring_And_Calls req=2flags=0x4
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 E audio_hw_primary: Entering IN_CALL state, in_call=0
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 D audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 D audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: set voicecall route: voicecall_default
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC1L Mixer AIF1.1 Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC1R Mixer AIF1.1 Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADCL DRC Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DACL Source' to '0'
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DACR Source' to '0'
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2 Mode' to '0'
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC1L Mixer AIF1.1 Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.880 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC1R Mixer AIF1.1 Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.885 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.890 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.890 11188 11188 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
03-23 02:54:18.890 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DAC Mux' to 'AIF2DACDAT'
03-23 02:54:18.890 9316 9639 D audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: set voicecall route: default_input
03-23 02:54:18.890 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'Main Mic Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.915 9513 9537 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{da9e764 9855:com.android.systemui/u0a29} (pid=9855, uid=10029) requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1000)
03-23 02:54:18.915 9513 9537 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{da9e764 9855:com.android.systemui/u0a29} (pid=9855, uid=10029) requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1000)
03-23 02:54:18.915 9513 9537 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) } to org.telegram.messenger/.CallReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1000)
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MainMicBias Mode' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1ADCL Source' to '0'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADCL Source' to '0'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINL IN2L Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'IN2L Volume' to '25'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINL IN2L Volume' to '0'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADCL DRC Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 E audio_hw_primary: set_noise_supression: enabling two mic control
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: SetTwoMicControl(0x400a7140, 0, 1)
03-23 02:54:18.995 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'Sub Mic Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:19.025 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - UI Initialized
03-23 02:54:19.025 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: OUTGOING -> OUTGOING
03-23 02:54:19.025 11188 11188 D AccelerometerListener: enable(true)
03-23 02:54:19.030 9513 10308 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_activate(0x4a154ad8, 1, 1)
03-23 02:54:19.030 9513 10308 D smdk4x12_sensors: lsm330dlc_acceleration_activate(0x486d12d8)
03-23 02:54:19.030 9513 10308 D smdk4x12_sensors: ssp_sensor_enable(0)
03-23 02:54:19.030 9513 10308 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_set_delay(0x4a154ad8, 1, 200000000)
03-23 02:54:19.030 9513 10308 D smdk4x12_sensors: lsm330dlc_acceleration_set_delay(0x486d12d8, 200000000)
03-23 02:54:19.030 9513 10308 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_set_delay(0x4a154ad8, 1, 200000000)
03-23 02:54:19.030 9513 10308 D smdk4x12_sensors: lsm330dlc_acceleration_set_delay(0x486d12d8, 200000000)
03-23 02:54:19.030 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=0, ui=0, aud=EARPIECE}
03-23 02:54:19.030 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - Acquiring proximity wake lock
03-23 02:54:19.035 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_activate(0x4a154ad8, 8, 1)
03-23 02:54:19.035 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: cm36651_proximity_activate(0x486d1278)
03-23 02:54:19.035 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: ssp_sensor_enable(5)
03-23 02:54:19.035 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_set_delay(0x4a154ad8, 8, 200000000)
03-23 02:54:19.035 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: cm36651_proximity_set_delay(0x486d1278, 200000000)
03-23 02:54:19.035 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallActivity - onResume()...
03-23 02:54:19.035 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_set_delay(0x4a154ad8, 8, 200000000)
03-23 02:54:19.035 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: cm36651_proximity_set_delay(0x486d1278, 200000000)
03-23 02:54:19.040 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=0, ui=1, aud=EARPIECE}
03-23 02:54:19.040 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - Proximity wake lock already acquired
03-23 02:54:19.045 9513 9524 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 100333(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 18(688KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 16MB/24MB, paused 1.776ms total 196.349ms
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'SubMicBias Mode' to '1'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'IN1R Volume' to '25'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINR IN1R Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINR IN1R Volume' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1ADCR Source' to '1'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 D audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: set voicecall route: headset_input_disable
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'Headset Mic Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINL IN1L Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DACL Source' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DACR Source' to '1'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 D audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: set voicecall route: bt_disable
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1DAC1 Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1DAC1 Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1 Boost Volume' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC2 Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC2 Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC Mux' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINL IN1L Volume' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'LINEOUT1N Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'LINEOUT1P Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC HPF Mode' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC HPF Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC HPF Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DAC2R Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DAC2L Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1ADC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1ADC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:19.100 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:19.105 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: SetMute(0x400a7140, 0)
03-23 02:54:19.105 9316 9639 E audio_hw_primary: set_incall_device: ril_set_call_audio_path(0)
03-23 02:54:19.105 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:19.155 9316 9639 E Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD: Failed to ping SRS
03-23 02:54:19.155 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: Connect_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:19.155 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: SetCallAudioPath(0x400a7140, 0)
03-23 02:54:19.155 9316 9639 V audio_hw_primary: Opening modem PCMs
03-23 02:54:19.155 9316 9639 D audio_hw_primary: Opening PCM modem DL stream
03-23 02:54:19.170 11188 11188 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x4409ebb8 (PhoneWindow$DecorView)
03-23 02:54:19.175 9316 9639 D audio_hw_primary: Opening PCM modem UL stream
03-23 02:54:19.195 9316 9639 D audio_hw_primary: Starting PCM modem streams
03-23 02:54:19.200 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:19.200 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: SetCallClockSync(0x400a7140, 1)
03-23 02:54:19.200 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:19.250 9316 9639 E Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD: Failed to ping SRS
03-23 02:54:19.250 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: Connect_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:19.250 9316 9639 D Audio-RIL-Interface: SetCallVolume(0x400a7140, 0, 4)
03-23 02:54:19.800 11188 11188 I Choreographer: Skipped 36 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
03-23 02:54:19.840 9513 9550 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallActivity: +949ms
03-23 02:54:20.295 11188 11188 D AccelerometerListener: orientation: horizontal
03-23 02:54:20.300 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=1, ui=1, aud=EARPIECE}
03-23 02:54:20.300 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - Proximity wake lock already acquired
03-23 02:54:21.295 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: onConnected to ComponentInfo{com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl}
03-23 02:54:21.295 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: Adding 1 calls to InCallService after onConnected: ComponentInfo{com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl}
03-23 02:54:21.300 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: Calling onAudioStateChanged, audioState: null -> [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER]
03-23 02:54:21.300 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: onCanAddCallChanged : false
03-23 02:54:21.310 11188 11188 I InCall : CallList - onUpdate - [Call_5, CONNECTING, [Capabilities:], children:[], parent:null, conferenceable:[], videoState:Audio Only, mSessionModificationState:0, VideoSettings:(CameraDir:-1), mIsActivSub:false]
03-23 02:54:21.310 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: OUTGOING -> PENDING_OUTGOING
03-23 02:54:21.310 11188 11188 D AccelerometerListener: enable(false)
03-23 02:54:21.315 9513 10319 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_activate(0x4a154ad8, 1, 0)
03-23 02:54:21.315 9513 10319 D smdk4x12_sensors: lsm330dlc_acceleration_deactivate(0x486d12d8)
03-23 02:54:21.315 9513 10319 D smdk4x12_sensors: ssp_sensor_disable(0)
03-23 02:54:21.315 9513 9513 I Telecom : NewOutgoingCallBroadcastIntentReceiver: Received new-outgoing-call-broadcast for [129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}] with data [f8f31965c07fe6dadd7098be307474479cf8809e]
03-23 02:54:21.320 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=0, hor=0, ui=1, aud=EARPIECE}
03-23 02:54:21.320 11188 11188 I InCall : ProximitySensor - Releasing proximity wake lock
03-23 02:54:21.320 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_activate(0x4a154ad8, 8, 0)
03-23 02:54:21.320 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: cm36651_proximity_deactivate(0x486d1278)
03-23 02:54:21.320 9513 9552 D smdk4x12_sensors: ssp_sensor_disable(5)
03-23 02:54:21.325 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallsManager: Creating a new outgoing call with handle: tel:************
03-23 02:54:21.325 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: Sending updateCall [129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}] ==> [InCall at 11, parent:null, children:[]]
03-23 02:54:21.325 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: Components updated: [ComponentInfo{com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl}]
03-23 02:54:21.325 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallsManager: [129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}] Starting with speakerphone because car is docked.
03-23 02:54:21.325 11188 11188 D CallerInfoUtils: modifyForSpecialCnapCases: initially, number=xxxxxxxxxxxx, presentation=1 ci com.android.incallui.CallerInfo at b05c373 { name null, phoneNumber null }
03-23 02:54:21.325 11188 11188 D CallerInfoUtils: SpecialCnap: number=xxxxxxxxxxxx; presentation now=1
03-23 02:54:21.325 11188 11188 D CallerInfoUtils: modifyForSpecialCnapCases: returning number string=xxxxxxxxxxxx
03-23 02:54:21.335 11188 11188 D CallerInfoUtils: modifyForSpecialCnapCases: initially, number=xxxxxxxxxxxx, presentation=1 ci com.android.incallui.CallerInfo at 5926ea9 { name null, phoneNumber null }
03-23 02:54:21.335 9513 9513 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null
03-23 02:54:21.335 11188 11188 D CallerInfoUtils: SpecialCnap: number=xxxxxxxxxxxx; presentation now=1
03-23 02:54:21.335 9513 9513 I Telecom : CreateConnectionProcessor: Trying attempt CallAttemptRecord(ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0},ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0})
03-23 02:54:21.335 11188 11188 D CallerInfoUtils: modifyForSpecialCnapCases: returning number string=xxxxxxxxxxxx
03-23 02:54:21.335 9513 9513 I Telecom : Event: Call 7: BIND_CS, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}
03-23 02:54:21.340 11188 11188 D CallerInfoUtils: ==> Actually starting CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery()...
03-23 02:54:21.350 9513 9513 I Telecom : Call: CallerInfo received for tel:************: com.android.internal.telephony.CallerInfo at b84b5c2 { name non-null, phoneNumber non-null }
03-23 02:54:21.350 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - setBoundAndWaitingForOutgoingCall: false
03-23 02:54:21.355 9513 9513 I Telecom : ServiceBinderConnection: Service bound ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}
03-23 02:54:21.355 9513 9513 I Telecom : Event: Call 7: CS_BOUND, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}
03-23 02:54:21.355 9513 9513 I Telecom : Event: Call 7: START_CONNECTION, tel:************
03-23 02:54:21.360 10276 10276 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=436]
03-23 02:54:21.360 9513 10308 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null
03-23 02:54:21.365 9513 10327 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null
03-23 02:54:21.365 9513 10327 I Telecom : ConnectionServiceWrapper: Service unbound ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, from unbind.
03-23 02:54:21.370 9513 10327 I Telecom : CallsManager: setCallState CONNECTING -> DISCONNECTED, call: [129869428, CONNECTING, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}]
03-23 02:54:21.370 9513 10327 I Telecom : Event: Call 7: SET_DISCONNECTED, disconnected set explicitly> DisconnectCause [ Code: (ERROR) Label: (Mobile network not available) Description: (Mobile network not available.) Reason: (ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE, OUT_OF_SERVICE) Tone: (95) ]
03-23 02:54:21.370 9513 10327 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: updateAudioStreamAndMode : mIsRinging: false, mIsTonePlaying: true, call: null
03-23 02:54:21.370 9513 10327 I Telecom : InCallController: Sending updateCall [129869428, DISCONNECTED, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}] ==> [InCall at 11, parent:null, children:[]]
03-23 02:54:21.370 9513 10327 I Telecom : InCallController: Components updated: [ComponentInfo{com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl}]
03-23 02:54:21.370 9513 10327 I Telecom : ViceNotificationImpl: onCallStateChanged newState = 7
03-23 02:54:21.375 9513 9513 I Telecom : MyHandler: MESSAGE_CALL_ENDED
03-23 02:54:21.375 9513 9513 I Telecom : ViceNotificationImpl: processNotification DEP null
03-23 02:54:21.375 9513 10327 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:788 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:407 com.android.server.telecom.CallLogManager.sendAddCallBroadcast:304 com.android.server.telecom.CallLogManager.logCall:194 com.android.server.telecom.CallLogManager.logCall:153
03-23 02:54:21.375 9513 10327 I Telecom : InCallController: onCanAddCallChanged : true
03-23 02:54:21.375 9513 10327 I Telecom : Event: Call 7: DESTROYED, null
03-23 02:54:21.380 9513 10327 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: setInitialAudioState : audioState = [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER], call = null
03-23 02:54:21.380 9513 10327 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: updateAudioStreamAndMode : mIsRinging: false, mIsTonePlaying: true, call: [129869428, DISCONNECTED, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}]
03-23 02:54:21.380 9513 10327 I Telecom : ProximitySensorManager: All calls removed, resetting proximity sensor to default state
03-23 02:54:21.380 9513 10327 I Telecom : ProximitySensorManager: Proximity wake lock already released
03-23 02:54:21.380 9513 10327 I Telecom : InCallController: onCallRemoved: [129869428, DISCONNECTED, null, tel:************, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [[Capabilities:]], [[Properties:]], false, ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab], UserHandle{0}]
03-23 02:54:21.380 9513 9537 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) } to org.telegram.messenger/.CallReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1000)
03-23 02:54:21.385 9513 9537 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{da9e764 9855:com.android.systemui/u0a29} (pid=9855, uid=10029) requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1000)
03-23 02:54:21.385 9513 9537 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{da9e764 9855:com.android.systemui/u0a29} (pid=9855, uid=10029) requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1000)
03-23 02:54:21.385 9513 10327 I Telecom : PhoneStateBroadcaster: Broadcasted state change: 0
03-23 02:54:21.455 11188 11188 I InCall : CallList - onDisconnect: [Call_5, DISCONNECTED, [Capabilities:], children:[], parent:null, conferenceable:[], videoState:Audio Only, mSessionModificationState:0, VideoSettings:(CameraDir:-1), mIsActivSub:false]
03-23 02:54:21.455 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallCsRedialHandler - onDisconnect
03-23 02:54:21.455 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallCsRedialHandler - checkForCsRetry failCause: -1
03-23 02:54:21.455 11188 11188 W InCall : InCallMessageController - onDisconnect: null Extras
03-23 02:54:21.455 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallActivity - Show Dialog: Mobile network not available.
03-23 02:54:21.480 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: PENDING_OUTGOING -> INCALL
03-23 02:54:21.490 11188 11188 I InCall : CallList - onUpdate - [Call_5, DISCONNECTED, [Capabilities:], children:[], parent:null, conferenceable:[], videoState:Audio Only, mSessionModificationState:0, VideoSettings:(CameraDir:-1), mIsActivSub:false]
03-23 02:54:21.490 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: INCALL -> INCALL
03-23 02:54:21.505 11188 11188 W InCall : CallList - Removing call not previously disconnected Call_5
03-23 02:54:21.910 9315 9623 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
03-23 02:54:21.910 9315 9623 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
03-23 02:54:23.380 9513 9513 I Telecom : InCallController: Unbinding from InCallService ComponentInfo{com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl}
03-23 02:54:23.390 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - setBoundAndWaitingForOutgoingCall: false
03-23 02:54:23.390 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: INCALL -> INCALL
03-23 02:54:23.395 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - attemptCleanup? false
03-23 02:54:23.530 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Hide in call UI: true
03-23 02:54:23.530 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallActivity - finish(). Dialog showing: true
03-23 02:54:23.530 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - attemptCleanup? false
03-23 02:54:23.530 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: INCALL -> NO_CALLS
03-23 02:54:23.535 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS
03-23 02:54:23.535 11188 11188 I InCall : InCallPresenter - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS
03-23 02:54:24.775 9513 12342 E ToneGenerator: --- Stop timed out
03-23 02:54:24.785 9513 9513 I Telecom : CallAudioManager: updateAudioStreamAndMode : mIsRinging: false, mIsTonePlaying: false, call: null
03-23 02:54:24.785 9316 10072 E audio_hw_primary: Leaving IN_CALL state, in_call=1, mode=0
03-23 02:54:24.785 9316 10072 D Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:24.785 9316 10072 D Audio-RIL-Interface: SetCallClockSync(0x400a7140, 0)
03-23 02:54:24.785 9316 10072 D audio_hw_primary: Stopping modem DL PCM
03-23 02:54:24.785 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Closing modem DL PCM
03-23 02:54:24.790 9316 10072 D audio_hw_primary: Stopping modem UL PCM
03-23 02:54:24.790 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Closing modem UL PCM
03-23 02:54:24.795 9316 10072 D audio_hw_primary: select_mode: set voicecall route: voicecall_default_disable
03-23 02:54:24.805 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.815 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.825 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DAC Mux' to 'AIF3DACDAT'
03-23 02:54:24.825 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2 Mode' to '1'
03-23 02:54:24.825 9316 10072 D audio_hw_primary: select_mode: set voicecall route: default_input_disable
03-23 02:54:24.825 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'Main Mic Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.825 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MainMicBias Mode' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.830 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINL IN2L Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.830 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DACL Source' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.830 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DACR Source' to '1'
03-23 02:54:24.830 9316 10072 E audio_hw_primary: set_noise_supression: disabling two mic control
03-23 02:54:24.830 9316 10072 D Audio-RIL-Interface: isConnected_RILD(0x400a7140)
03-23 02:54:24.830 9316 10072 D Audio-RIL-Interface: SetTwoMicControl(0x400a7140, 0, 0)
03-23 02:54:24.830 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'Sub Mic Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.830 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'SubMicBias Mode' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINR IN1R Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINR IN1R Volume' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 D audio_hw_primary: select_mode: set voicecall route: headset_input_disable
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'Headset Mic Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINL IN1L Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DACL Source' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DACR Source' to '1'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 D audio_hw_primary: select_mode: set voicecall route: bt_disable
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1DAC1 Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1DAC1 Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1 Boost Volume' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC2 Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'DAC2 Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC Volume' to '96'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC Mux' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'MIXINL IN1L Volume' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'LINEOUT1N Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'LINEOUT1P Switch' to '1'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC HPF Mode' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC HPF Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2ADC HPF Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DAC2R Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF2DAC2L Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1ADC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 V audio_hw_primary: Set 'AIF1ADC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch' to '0'
03-23 02:54:24.835 9316 10072 D audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE
03-23 02:54:24.880 9513 10319 D lights : set_light_buttons: 2
03-23 02:54:24.900 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:54:24.905 9513 10255 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:54:24.925 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSDPA) - 100]
03-23 02:54:24.930 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:54:24.930 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:54:24.930 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:54:24.930 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 58254,349525,1048576,58254,349525,1048576
03-23 02:54:24.945 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 100]
03-23 02:54:25.565 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:54:25.575 9513 10327 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:54:25.605 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:54:25.605 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 100]
03-23 02:54:25.605 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:54:25.605 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:54:25.610 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 61167,367002,1101005,8738,52429,262114
03-23 02:54:25.630 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSDPA) - 100]
03-23 02:54:26.880 9513 9513 I MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from AudioFocus_For_Phone_Ring_And_Calls
03-23 02:54:34.035 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:54:34.040 9513 10327 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:54:34.060 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSDPA) - 100]
03-23 02:54:34.065 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 58254,349525,1048576,58254,349525,1048576
03-23 02:54:34.095 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 100]
03-23 02:54:34.095 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:54:34.120 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:54:34.120 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:54:34.520 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:54:34.525 9513 10255 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:54:34.540 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 100]
03-23 02:54:34.545 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:54:34.545 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:54:34.545 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 61167,367002,1101005,8738,52429,262114
03-23 02:54:34.545 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:54:34.575 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSDPA) - 100]
03-23 02:54:42.145 9315 9623 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
03-23 02:54:42.145 9315 9623 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
This should include the SMS failure:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:30.420 12538 12632 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:30.550 12538 12633 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:30.550 12538 12633 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:30.610 12538 12633 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #10 in 2560000 ms
03-23 02:58:30.675 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:30.695 12538 12634 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1078 for sending
03-23 02:58:31.230 12538 12635 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:31.250 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:31.250 12538 12635 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:31.305 12538 12636 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:31.305 12538 12636 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:31.380 12538 12636 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #11 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:31.430 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:31.450 12538 12637 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1078 for sending
03-23 02:58:31.620 12538 12639 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:31.635 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:31.635 12538 12639 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:31.695 12538 12640 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:31.695 12538 12640 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:31.755 12538 12640 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #12 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:31.805 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:31.830 12538 12641 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1078 for sending
03-23 02:58:32.090 12538 12642 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:32.115 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:32.115 12538 12642 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:32.125 9513 9826 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
03-23 02:58:32.200 9513 10319 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.SENDTO dat=smsto:xxxxxxxxxxxx flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.messaging/.ui.conversation.LaunchConversationActivity} from uid 10001 on display 0
03-23 02:58:32.230 2010 2010 D gralloc : Registering a buffer in the process that created it. This may cause memory ordering problems.
03-23 02:58:32.230 2010 2010 E libEGL : called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
03-23 02:58:32.230 2010 2010 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error -1378133962
03-23 02:58:32.230 2010 2010 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
03-23 02:58:32.250 12538 12643 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:32.250 12538 12643 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:32.305 11839 11839 I ContactLoader: Registering content observer for content://com.android.contacts/contacts/lookup/3585r90-3F512D294D293951.1190r210-3F512D294D293951/210
03-23 02:58:32.315 10276 11613 V BlacklistProvider: Query uri=content://blacklist/bynumber/%2B33642683604, match=2
03-23 02:58:32.340 10276 10603 V BlacklistProvider: Query uri=content://blacklist/bynumber/%2B41782187030, match=2
03-23 02:58:32.380 11839 11839 V SmsInteractionsLoader: SmsInteractionsLoader
03-23 02:58:32.380 11839 11862 V SmsInteractionsLoader: loadInBackground
03-23 02:58:32.440 12538 12643 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #13 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:32.495 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:32.510 9513 10338 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x1000c000 cmp=com.android.messaging/.ui.conversationlist.ConversationListActivity} from uid 10060 on display 0
03-23 02:58:32.545 2010 2010 D gralloc : Registering a buffer in the process that created it. This may cause memory ordering problems.
03-23 02:58:32.545 2010 2010 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error -1378133962
03-23 02:58:32.545 2010 2010 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
03-23 02:58:32.595 9513 10338 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.messaging/.ui.conversation.ConversationActivity (has extras)} from uid 10060 on display 0
03-23 02:58:32.645 9315 9623 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
03-23 02:58:32.645 9315 9623 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
03-23 02:58:32.715 12538 12647 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1078 for sending
03-23 02:58:32.795 12538 12538 D MessagingApp: DraftMessageData: loading for conversationId=54
03-23 02:58:32.910 12538 12649 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:32.990 12538 12650 D MessagingApp: ReadDraftMessage: created draft. conversationId=54 selfId=1
03-23 02:58:33.070 9513 9550 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.messaging/.ui.conversation.ConversationActivity: +439ms (total +811ms)
03-23 02:58:33.100 12538 12538 D MessagingApp: DraftMessageData: draft loaded. conversationId=54 selfId=1
03-23 02:58:33.140 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:33.140 12538 12649 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:33.145 12538 12649 I MessagingAppDataModel: SyncMessagesAction: Starting batch for messages from 1679536707890 to 1679536712796 (message update limit = 80, message scan limit = 4000)
03-23 02:58:33.410 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:58:33.415 9513 9899 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:58:33.420 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSDPA) - 100]
03-23 02:58:33.425 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 122334,734003,2202010,32040,192239,576717
03-23 02:58:33.430 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:58:33.430 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:58:33.430 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:58:33.435 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSPA+) - 100]
03-23 02:58:33.535 12538 12651 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:33.535 12538 12651 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:33.565 12538 12651 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #14 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:33.585 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:33.635 12538 12651 I MessagingAppDataModel: SyncMessagesAction: All messages now in sync
03-23 02:58:33.655 12538 12651 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1078 for sending
03-23 02:58:33.740 12538 12652 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:33.765 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:33.770 12538 12652 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:33.825 12538 12653 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:33.825 12538 12653 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:33.850 12538 12653 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #15 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:33.860 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:33.890 12538 12654 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1078 for sending
03-23 02:58:33.950 12538 12655 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:33.980 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:33.980 12538 12655 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:34.040 12538 12656 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:34.040 12538 12656 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:34.060 12538 12656 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #16 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:34.070 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:34.110 12538 12657 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1078 for sending
03-23 02:58:34.200 12538 12658 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:34.220 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:34.220 12538 12658 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:34.305 12538 12659 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:34.305 12538 12659 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:34.340 12538 12659 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #17 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:34.345 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:34.390 12538 12660 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1078 for sending
03-23 02:58:34.510 12538 12661 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:34.555 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1007 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:34.560 12538 12661 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:34.620 12538 12662 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1078 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:34.620 12538 12662 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:34.650 12538 12662 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #18 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:35.665 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:58:35.680 9513 9527 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:58:35.705 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:58:35.705 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:58:35.710 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:58:35.710 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSPA+) - 100]
03-23 02:58:35.710 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 58254,349525,1048576,58254,349525,1048576
03-23 02:58:35.730 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 100]
03-23 02:58:36.020 12538 12666 I MessagingAppDataModel: SyncMessagesAction: Starting batch for messages from 1679536712796 to 1679536715793 (message update limit = 80, message scan limit = 4000)
03-23 02:58:36.065 9513 9550 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.messaging/.ui.conversationlist.ConversationListActivity: +321ms
03-23 02:58:36.120 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:58:36.130 9513 9911 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:58:36.140 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 100]
03-23 02:58:36.140 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 61167,367002,1101005,8738,52429,262114
03-23 02:58:36.150 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:58:36.150 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:58:36.150 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:58:36.150 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSDPA) - 100]
03-23 02:58:36.175 12538 12538 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
03-23 02:58:36.195 12538 12667 I MessagingAppDataModel: SyncMessagesAction: All messages now in sync
03-23 02:58:36.230 12538 12538 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 54194(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 16(888KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 15MB/25MB, paused 858us total 50.410ms
03-23 02:58:36.270 12538 12538 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
03-23 02:58:36.295 12538 12538 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13790(985KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(428KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 13MB/22MB, paused 573us total 27.033ms
03-23 02:58:36.295 12538 12538 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
03-23 02:58:36.320 12538 12538 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 205(6KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 13MB/22MB, paused 597us total 24.895ms
03-23 02:58:37.265 9513 12646 W DropBoxManagerService: Dropping: system_app_strictmode (3346 > 0 bytes)
03-23 02:58:37.325 9513 9826 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
03-23 02:58:37.325 9513 10255 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.android.messaging/.ui.conversation.ConversationActivity (has extras)} from uid 10060 on display 0
03-23 02:58:37.425 12538 12538 D MessagingApp: DraftMessageData: loading for conversationId=1
03-23 02:58:37.510 12538 12669 D MessagingApp: ReadDraftMessage: created draft. conversationId=1 selfId=1
03-23 02:58:37.560 9513 9550 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.messaging/.ui.conversation.ConversationActivity: +224ms
03-23 02:58:37.565 12538 12670 I MessagingAppDataModel: SyncMessagesAction: Starting batch for messages from 1679536715793 to 1679536717421 (message update limit = 80, message scan limit = 4000)
03-23 02:58:37.615 12538 12538 D MessagingApp: DraftMessageData: draft loaded. conversationId=1 selfId=1
03-23 02:58:37.780 2010 2010 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
03-23 02:58:37.810 12538 12671 I MessagingAppDataModel: SyncMessagesAction: All messages now in sync
03-23 02:58:39.215 9513 9826 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
03-23 02:58:39.220 12538 12538 W MessagingApp: Unsatisfied action condition: isSmsCapable=true, hasPreferredSmsSim=true, isDefaultSmsApp=true
03-23 02:58:42.605 9513 9826 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
03-23 02:58:43.460 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:58:43.470 9513 10255 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:58:43.485 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSDPA) - 100]
03-23 02:58:43.485 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 122334,734003,2202010,32040,192239,576717
03-23 02:58:43.490 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:58:43.490 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:58:43.490 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:58:43.505 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSPA+) - 100]
03-23 02:58:43.640 9513 9826 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
03-23 02:58:43.660 9513 10356 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy at 8f36233 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy at dd142a7
03-23 02:58:43.820 12538 12674 I MessagingAppDataModel: DeleteMessageAction: Deleted local message 1078
03-23 02:58:43.900 12538 12674 I MessagingAppDataModel: DeleteMessageAction: Deleted telephony message content://sms/1007
03-23 02:58:44.755 9513 9826 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
03-23 02:58:44.780 12538 12676 I MessagingAppDataModel: ResendMessageAction: Resending message 1079; changed timestamp from 1679535591950 to 1679536724783
03-23 02:58:44.800 12538 12676 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages
03-23 02:58:44.825 12538 12676 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:44.970 12538 12677 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:44.995 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:44.995 12538 12677 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:45.075 12538 12678 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:45.075 12538 12678 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:45.095 12538 12678 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #1 in 5000 ms
03-23 02:58:45.120 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:45.175 12538 12679 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:45.270 12538 12680 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:45.295 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:45.295 12538 12680 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:45.385 12538 12681 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:45.385 12538 12681 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:45.455 12538 12681 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #2 in 10000 ms
03-23 02:58:45.515 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:45.600 12538 12682 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:45.620 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:58:45.620 9513 10356 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:58:45.630 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSPA+) - 100]
03-23 02:58:45.630 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 58254,349525,1048576,58254,349525,1048576
03-23 02:58:45.630 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:58:45.630 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:58:45.635 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:58:45.640 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 100]
03-23 02:58:45.700 12538 12683 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:45.730 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:45.730 12538 12683 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:45.815 12538 12684 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:45.815 12538 12684 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:45.840 12538 12684 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #3 in 20000 ms
03-23 02:58:45.890 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:45.920 12538 12685 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:46.005 12538 12686 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:46.040 10276 10276 V ConfigResourceUtil: resourceName = config_spn_display_control resourceId = 2130837514resourceValue = false
03-23 02:58:46.045 9513 9911 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -60 minutes west of GMT
03-23 02:58:46.050 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 100]
03-23 02:58:46.050 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 61167,367002,1101005,8738,52429,262114
03-23 02:58:46.070 9513 9819 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSDPA) - 100]
03-23 02:58:46.075 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:46.075 12538 12686 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:46.085 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
03-23 02:58:46.085 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
03-23 02:58:46.085 11117 11117 D CellBroadcastReceiver: subscriptionId = 1
03-23 02:58:46.185 12538 12687 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:46.185 12538 12687 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:46.250 12538 12687 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #4 in 40000 ms
03-23 02:58:46.325 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:46.350 12538 12688 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:46.520 12538 12689 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:46.545 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:46.545 12538 12689 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:46.625 12538 12690 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:46.625 12538 12690 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:46.695 12538 12690 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #5 in 80000 ms
03-23 02:58:46.750 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:46.815 12538 12691 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:46.970 12538 12692 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:46.985 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:46.985 12538 12692 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:47.055 12538 12693 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:47.055 12538 12693 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:47.145 12538 12693 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #6 in 160000 ms
03-23 02:58:47.190 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:47.215 12538 12694 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:47.390 12538 12695 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:47.430 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:47.430 12538 12695 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:47.485 12538 12696 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:47.485 12538 12696 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:47.555 12538 12696 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #7 in 320000 ms
03-23 02:58:47.610 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:47.685 12538 12697 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:47.750 12538 12698 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:47.775 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:47.775 12538 12698 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:47.905 12538 12699 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:47.905 12538 12699 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:47.925 12538 12699 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #8 in 640000 ms
03-23 02:58:47.975 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:48.005 12538 12700 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:48.110 12538 12701 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:48.155 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:48.155 12538 12701 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:48.530 12538 12702 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:48.530 12538 12702 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:48.670 12538 12702 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #9 in 1280000 ms
03-23 02:58:48.725 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:48.765 12538 12703 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:49.635 12538 12704 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:49.675 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:49.675 12538 12704 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:49.780 12538 12705 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:49.780 12538 12705 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:49.850 12538 12705 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #10 in 2560000 ms
03-23 02:58:49.855 9513 10255 D lights : set_light_buttons: 2
03-23 02:58:49.890 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:49.910 12538 12706 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:50.085 12538 12707 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:50.125 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:50.125 12538 12707 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:50.180 12538 12708 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:50.180 12538 12708 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:50.240 12538 12708 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #11 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:50.290 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:50.310 12538 12709 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:50.515 12538 12710 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:50.540 12538 12538 E MessagingApp: SmsSender: failure in sending message part. requestId=content://sms/1008 partId=0 resultCode=4 errorCode=0
03-23 02:58:50.540 12538 12710 E MessagingApp: MmsUtils: SMS temporary failure
03-23 02:58:50.600 12538 12711 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessSentMessageAction: Done sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1; status is AUTO_RETRY
03-23 02:58:50.600 12538 12711 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Scheduling pending messages(message failed)
03-23 02:58:50.705 12538 12711 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Registering for retry #12 in 5120000 ms
03-23 02:58:50.750 12538 12538 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Now connected; starting action
03-23 02:58:50.780 12538 12712 I MessagingAppDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesAction: Queueing message 1079 for sending
03-23 02:58:50.945 12538 12713 I MessagingAppDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending SMS message 1079 in conversation 1
03-23 02:58:53.625 9315 9623 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
03-23 02:58:53.625 9315 9623 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
Again, data (for example a web browser) works normally.
Luca Saiu
* My personal web site: https://ageinghacker.net
* GNU Jitter: https://www.gnu.org/software/jitter
* GNU epsilon: https://www.gnu.org/software/epsilon
I support everyone's freedom of mocking any opinion or belief, no
matter how deeply held, with open disrespect and the same unrelented
enthusiasm of a toddler who has just learned the word "poo".
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