[Replicant] 3G modems suddenly stopped working in Swizerland and France?

Luca Saiu luca at ageinghacker.net
Thu Mar 23 16:17:41 UTC 2023

On 2023-03-23 at 02:46 +0100, Luca Saiu via Replicant wrote:

> I live in Swizerland.  I have just noticed that my Replicant phone which
> I have been using for some time now can no longer [...]

False alarm, sorry.  The phone network people told me about a huge
outage across all of Switzerland, which is being solved.  They
guaranteed it is not related to 3G, and the problem in France appears to
be a coincidence.

Luca Saiu
* My personal web site:  https://ageinghacker.net
* GNU Jitter:            https://www.gnu.org/software/jitter
* GNU epsilon:           https://www.gnu.org/software/epsilon

I support everyone's freedom of mocking any opinion or belief, no
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enthusiasm of a toddler who has just learned the word "poo".
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