Quiero Instalar Replicant en mi Htc Magic

Fabián Rodríguez magicfab at member.fsf.org
Tue Mar 22 12:27:55 UTC 2011

On 03/22/2011 08:10 AM, Brian Kemp wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-03-22 at 06:52 -0400, Fabián Rodríguez wrote:
>> On 03/22/2011 04:44 AM, Luis López wrote:
>>> Buenas Días.
>>> Hola, Disculpen si mi E-mail esta en español es que poco hablo ingles.
>>> Estoy interesado en instalar Replicant en mi móvil pero no entiendo
>>> como lograr hacerlo. Por favor si pudieran poner paso a paso de como
>>> se debe hacer la instalación y todo lo que se debe hacer y se necesita
>>> para su instalación se los agradecería. Uso Ubuntu 10.10 y de allí he
>>> intentado pero nada. Saludos me despido desde Venezuela
>> Hola Luis,
>> Sugiero que hagas tus preguntas en español aquí:
>> http://android.shapado.com
>> La comunidad es pequeña pero hago parte de ambas (aquí y allá) y te
>> contestaré si pones tu pregunta ahí.
>> Gracias y hasta pronto,
>> Fabián
> 	Fabián - do they cover Replicant on shapado? If they do - that's
> awesome, because none of the English language sites for Android do.
> Guess it means I need to brush up on my Spanish - 6 years in High School
> but that was a long time ago.
I happen to be an admin there, but as a regular user I would "cover"
Replicant. As long as it's Android related, it's OK wihtin the Android
Q&A there. I don't think a specific section about Replicant woul dbe
best as it wouldn  expose itself to the (already small) Android users there.

Questions are welcome in any language and the Shapado engine is free
software, so down the road we could export its data and setup our own
instance somewhere.

> 	HTC Magic has some serious issues; GNUtoo and I have yet to work
> through a nasty one where calls don't connect w/ T-Mobile USA version.
> 	Reminds me - I need to activate that SIM and set up box w/ SSH. I'll
> get that set up tonight. And a test plan.
I'll keep that in mind in any anwer I relay :)



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