Steps involved in porting from Cyanogenmod to Replicant

Igor Almeida igor.contato at
Mon Dec 12 23:48:30 UTC 2011


I own a Galaxy S international (gt-i9000) and we managed to create the
proper makefiles for it, it's actually in the replicant repository,
branch replicant-2.3.

> What are the steps in terms of building replicant and porting it to this
> phone and is this documented anywhere ?
I started by building the code the usual way (lunch + make [...]
bacon) and installing it via recovery mode, maybe you can try to do
the same. I should push an extra commit with some small corrections,
but it is otherwise usable with free video driver (no 3D) and non-free
RIL. Also, there are no free drivers for camera and wi-fi.

> I read the archives and saw a few other people asking questions regarding
> Samsung and Galaxy S and I think that the philosophy of as much free
> software as possible is a healthy ideal to strive for. Not sure if I have
> the time to invest in the full process but if someone can illuminate some of
> the steps involved I'll see if it is feasible.

I don't know if there are significant differences between the Galaxy S
versions, maybe you can try that first and report what works?
We can discuss further in the irc channel if time coincides. Best of luck!

> Thanks,
>   Robbt
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Igor Almeida

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