What happens (if anything) when installing non-free app in Replicant?

Ciaran Gultnieks ciaran at ciarang.com
Thu Dec 22 09:05:55 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 22:23 -0500, Advrk Aplmrkt wrote:
> For example, I am looking for a good CardDAV contacts sync app but
> have not found one in the Replicant app reposotory, so might want to
> look for one in the Android Marketplace. If I find one would it work?

There is aCal, which now does CardDAV contact synchronisation. However,
that feature is brand new and not perfect yet. The main problem is it's
one direction only (to phone, from phone). Hopefully this will change
soon. It's working for me though.

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