Looking to help develop Replicant

Matt Ivie matt.ivie at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 03:50:23 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

I am looking to help out with the Replicant project. I currently have a
Nexus S but find the fact that it requires so many non-free drivers to
be unacceptable. I really want to look at the long-term picture here and
have a phone available that everyone can use with all free software.

It was suggested to me that I look into getting a gta04 to develop on so
that we can get Replicant fully running on it sooner. I am not a really
experience developer so I'm just learning as I go along. But I do want
to see this happen. 

So the purpose of this post is that it was suggested to me by someone
interested in Replicant that I should send a message out on this mailing
list to see if there was any way to get a functioning gta04 for
development. I can't afford to purchase one right now but I can't get
started without one. I'll leave it at that.

Thanks everyone.

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