What needs to be done for the GTA04

Nick replicant at njw.me.uk
Tue Feb 5 15:45:01 UTC 2013

Hi list,

I saw GNUtoo's recent talk at FOSDEM, and as a result have finally
decided to get myself one of the next batch of GTA04s, and hopefully
get Replicant running on it. Great talk GNUtoo, thanks for that!

Casually browsing the issue tracker and mailing list I found it hard
to find exactly what needs to happen for the GTA04 to be well
supported with Replicant 4. Can you give me a breakdown? I'm
completely unfamiliar with Android, but I'd love to help get things
working nicely.

A related question, has anybody tried the "Thinfirm" free firmware
for the WLAN board? It's mentioned on the GTA04 wiki[1], and looking
at the referenced page[2] implies that it may well actually work.

Thanks for the good work folks, keep it up, and I hope I may be able
to be a bit helpful.


1. http://projects.goldelico.com/p/gta04-main/page/FAQ/#wikititle_10
2. http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Thinfirm_1.5

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