Which phone should I buy for running Replicant?

Dmitriy Nikandrov dmitriy.nikandrov at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 14:45:05 UTC 2013

I hope somewhere in the world exist investor with about $100 mil. to
solve this equation & give the begining to such very new computing
ecosystem, where all components are free & open.

2013/9/25, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller <hns at goldelico.com>:
> Am 25.09.2013 um 15:24 schrieb Dmitriy Nikandrov:
>> Not only phones,
>> but also laptops, desktops, routers, etc... Even Raspberry Pi in it's
>> heart is closed source.
>> The problem is that there is no OPEN HARDWARE chips (with open firmware):
>> for Wi-Fi
> For WiFi there was some activity by OLPC but that one stalled and
> nobody did pick up the task.
>> for GSM (even can't be because of patents on core specifications)
>> for LTE
>> for GPS
> Well, GPS can be just an serial interface with NMEA, like we have it in the
> GTA04. So it is like "dumb hardware" where you have control what happens
> with the data (if at all). And it can't transmit anything.
>> 2013/9/25, Nick <replicant at njw.me.uk>:
>>> Quoth Brian Kemp:
>>>> To be clear - the driver is free. The firmware is not.
>>> Gosh, looking at the table on the status page [0] I see that there
>>> are no devices which have wifi without non-free firmware. So there
>>> are no phones which have either free wifi or free gsm parts? The
>>> situation sucks even more than I realised as a casual observer.
>>> "Sure, you can use your phone freely, so long as you don't want any
>>> connectivity."
> Conjecture:
> the equation
> free drivers/firmware for everything made available by volunteers + small
> handheld + comparable in features to closed counterparts from the
> supermarket + cheap == 4
> has no solutions because it contains too many contradictions. The closest
> thing you can get is 3 out of 4.
> To be disproven.
> -- hns
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