My success story for pictures, calendar, contacts and email sync

Paul Kocialkowski paulk at
Mon Oct 14 13:26:42 UTC 2013

A new app was added to F-Droid recently and apparently makes it possible
to have cardDAV sync. I did try it with Owncloud but it failed because
it doesn't accept self-signed SSL certificates :(

Apparently the author thinks it's bad to accept self-signed certificates
or to even ask the user about what to do (which most apps do). When I'm
configuring the device through my own private network (server and client
on the same LAN), I see very few odds of having MITM.

Also since my certificate doesn't have any authority certificate, I
cannot import it to my device it seems. Or maybe someone known better
and it turns out I can? Anyway, I'll probably ask the author to
reconsider his position.

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