[Replicant] How to back up contacts, apps, f-droid DB, ad Dpata, files etc.?

Andrés Muñiz Piniella a75576 at alumni.tecnun.es
Sun Sep 13 19:29:28 UTC 2015

>I guess this is enough. I only really use applications from f-droid 
>anyway, so I guess they can be reinstalled manually. I think 
>/data/data/... is where the contacts database is stored, which tbh is 
>the main priority (for me) when upgrading.
Hopefully not too out of scope of mailing list or chain of emails.

For Apps backup I have used
My App List (Ex- and import list of installed applications) - https://f-droid.org/app/com.projectsexception.myapplist.open
Helps to have semi automatic reinstall of your apps, you only need to save a small file.

For contacts something similar might be available. To get the vcf file of all your contacts.

K-9 has great import/export if you have more than one email account setup.

Hope it makes your life easier.

Ham United Group

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