[Replicant] Thank you

Nick replicant at njw.me.uk
Tue Oct 27 16:47:49 UTC 2015

Hi folks,

I just bought my first ever smartphone, a Samsung Galaxy S2 (the guy 
in the shop was very unimpressed with my lack of interest in 
shinyness), and put Replicant on to straight away, and it is working 

The install instructions were easy to follow (except the "put the 
phone into usb storage mode" part, which I had no idea how to do, 
but duckduckgo put me straight there ["wireless and networks" is 
certainly not an intuitive place for it, but so it goes]), and 
worked perfectly, and it's all just working great.

I haven't put any proprietary firmware on there, though I suppose 
maybe I will for the wifi. It seems to be working very nicely now 

One little bug (which I suppose is maybe more of a base system thing 
than a replicant thing, I don't know) is that in the "gallery" 
programme thumbnails don't seem to work. No idea why that would be.

Thanks all so much for your hard work, you are doing great and 
important work.

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