[Replicant] Using signal/textsecure

Nick replicant at njw.me.uk
Thu Nov 5 09:39:55 UTC 2015

Quoth Andrés Muñiz Piniella: 
> I think this is what you are looking for. SMSSecure (Send encrypted text messages (SMS)) - https://f-droid.org/app/org.smssecure.smssecure (fork of text secure without google I think)

No, that's a different program. I want Signal/TextSecure 
specifically not least because it is very widely trusted and used.

> If not, just look for chat OR messaging OR  sms OR jabber OR xmpp on f-droid.
> To create an xmpp account I found duckduck easy. 
> https://duck.co/blog/post/2/using-pidgin-with-xmpp-jabber

Not hard, true, but a lot more hassle than having accounts be tied 
to phone numbers in your address book, so data & encryption is 
automatically used in a totally transparent way, without having to 
make an account, add account details of contacts, etc.

I just found an f-droid repository which includes Signal [0], which 
is great. It has options for the official version (which includes 
the Google libraries) or the unofficial one which doesn't need them 
(but is potentially unstable / a battery hog). I just installed the 
unofficial one, so I'll ask my friends to install regular Signal, 
and we'll see how that goes.

Fingers crossed.


0. https://fdroid.eutopia.cz/
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