[Replicant] Using signal/textsecure

Tyler tyler at hack.ink
Tue Nov 10 14:16:45 UTC 2015

On 11/09/15, Andrés Muñiz Piniella wrote:
> What is your opinion on SMSSecure (Send encrypted text messages (SMS)) - https://f-droid.org/app/org.smssecure.smssecure their web page says that they are using the same Protocol, I is just a little bit less user friendly because of the not automatic key exchange at the begining? 

In the beginning, when dinosaurs roamed the land, TextSecure only 
supported sending encrypted SMS. That functionality is what later became 
SMSSecure. This was the original version 1 of the TextSecure protocol. 

Then they added the ability to send messages via GSM/WiFi, and changed 
the TS protocol to version 2. At some point Moxie decided to drop SMS 
support. This pissed off various people who were clinging to SMS, so the
forked, ripped out the SMS code and have been maintaining/developing on
it ever since.

I have never used SMSSecure. I presume that it probably works on
Replicant. I prefer TextSecure, now Signal because I have many friends
in different countries, and so the ability to message people via WiFi as
opposed to SMS is non-negotiable to me.

On 11/09/15, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Having a centralized server infrastructure can be a                   
> security/privacy/foss concern as well.  Are there any free software   
> Signal servers out there?  If one person has the ability to ban       
> arbitrary people from the network, that raise a red flag to me.       
> /Simon 

@janimo (Works for Canonical, develops TS-QML + the TS Go Library) has a
TS Server Docker container you might be interested in if you desire to
look into such things: 

Re: The whole federating TS and making a free software server to
federate with upstream: I don't see a need for it. If you want extra
security/privacy/whatever, run your own server, hand compile apks, and
hand them out to your friends to use with your server. It's moxie's
server, he's paying monthly for an ISP/datacenter/whatever. Absolutely
it's his right to ban whoever he wants off his server - he's paying
rent. You don't like it, spin up your own.

This whole thing about walled gardens - hello, the server source is
openly published. What is a real problem is that the RedPhone server
source is hidden. They should have released source for that too.

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