[Replicant] fdroid on replicant: dfsg changes

Josh Branning lovell.joshyyy at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 01:19:43 UTC 2016

> Create a clean fdroid repo built on a
> machine running a libre OS and a home-built free Android SDK instead of
> binary-only downloaded SDK's

That would be awesome. I don't think a libre OS would put an SDK in it's 
repositories though if it was still attached to the replicant/android 
OS. Not that it needs to be in any repositories, but it would be nice.

A while back on this list, I mentioned how now the stock android 
toolchain can be built without downloading the main OS [1]. I think it 
wouldn't take much to patch a new version judging by the current 
replicant SDK patches, if that's anything to go by [2]. Of course, it 
would need to be compatible with the new version of replicant, which 
apparently will be based based on android 6.0

[1] http://tools.android.com/build#TOC-Building-the-Linux-and-MacOS-SDK
[2] https://git.replicant.us/replicant/sdk/commits/replicant-4.2

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