[Replicant] regarding future

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer wreg at wiedmeyer.de
Fri Oct 28 11:50:27 UTC 2016

Bob Ham writes:

> On Fri, 2016-10-28 at 08:50 +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
>> Bob Ham <rah at settrans.net> writes:
>> > On Wed, 2016-10-19 at 09:54 +0100, Bob Ham wrote:
>> >> On Tue, 2016-10-04 at 15:58 +0200, Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> > Given that Wolfgang has the Galaxy S3 and is working on porting
>> >> > Replicant to Android 6, and is also trying to mainline that device in
>> >> > Linux, I would bet on the Galaxy S3.
>> >> 
>> >> I'm curious about an effort to mainline support for the S3.  Could you
>> >> say how you learned about Wolfgang's effort?
>> >
>> > ping?
>> Are you referring to links like these:
>> http://blog.replicant.us/2016/08/replicant-6-early-work-upstream-work-and-f-droid-issue/
>> https://redmine.replicant.us/boards/21/topics/12057
> No.
> I've seen both of these pages before.  The first mentions the hope of
> using mainline kernel in general but doesn't mention any specific effort
> to mainline support for the S3.  The second page, again, makes no
> mention of mainlining S3 support.

I'm planning to do a write-up on my efforts in the next days. In short:

The code can be found here:
The changes are currently on top of the 4.8 kernel. It is far from being
usable, even if you accept the reduced functionality. The kernel boots,
adb is somewhat working with some Replicant adaptions:

The screen works, backlight works somewhat, suspend is buggy and the
touchscreen needs calibration, either in Android or on the driver side.
The vibrator could work with a similar Android shim that Paul wrote for
the GTA04. The modem driver needs to be ported to mainline. I did not
yet investigate what work exactly is needed to get wifi and bluetooth
working. There is actually support for the camera but I did not yet put
any effort into getting it working with Replicant. I also ignored the
sensors for now. As Replicant uses a software renderer, there is at
least no effort necessary to get graphics working as before.

There is actually a lot of support for the device in mainline compared
to most other devices. The reason is that Samsung also published Tizen
for the Galaxy S3, named Trats2, and they tried to mainline a lot in the

So in summary, there is still a lot of development effort necessary and
I would be very happy about contributions. Simon Shields (aka forkbomb)
who is the maintainer for the Galaxy S3 in CyanogenMod also works on
this and helped me a lot:


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