[Replicant] Mirror for Replicant source code

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer wreg at wiedmeyer.de
Tue Nov 29 14:33:33 UTC 2016

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer writes:

> By changing the init command from
> "../tools/repo init -u https://git.replicant.us/replicant/manifest.git -b replicant-4.2"
> to
> "../tools/repo init -u https://replicantmirror.fossencdi.org/manifest -b replicant-4.2"
> everything should work.

Due to a change in the config, the init command needs to be
../tools/repo init -u https://replicantmirror.fossencdi.org/replicant/manifest -b replicant-4.2

The mirror provides all Replicant source code repos from
git.replicant.us, while all repos from CyanogenMod are still fetched
from Github and the ones from Google still come from
googlesource.com. But in fact, I have now a full mirror on the VPS,
including all CyanogenMod and Google repos. This is now only for archival
purposes, but if there is demand, then I can make them accessible, too.


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