[Replicant] Replicant 6 on i9300 user feedback

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer wreg at wiedmeyer.de
Fri Dec 30 12:39:01 UTC 2016

Simon Josefsson writes:

> Thanks Wolfgang!
> Some additional experiences after daily use of the earlier replicant 6
> build:
> * Graphics sometimes "freezes" for ~1-2 seconds.  If I touch something
>   during this time (common, since I assume that first touch did not
>   work) this results in triggering something on the new screen.  This is
>   quite annoying and has caused some frustration for me.  I now interact
>   slowly with the phone, to avoid triggering anything I don't want, but
>   it is annoying.

There is no useful information in the log when this happens, at least I
didn't notice any. It just says that frames have to be skipped because
the workload is too high. I guess I could check the Android-x86 code
again to see if there is any fix for this.

> * I have had a recent SMS issue where longer SMS's (more than one 140
>   character limit) are not sent.  They just seem to disappear.  I
>   suspect it has something to do with the builtin rate-limiting of SMS's
>   since this bug started to happen after I sent out a couple of bigger
>   birthday invites to many people.  Short SMS works fine.  Longer SMS
>   appears to disappear, but maybe only for some destinations.  Could be
>   2G/3G/APN/MMS-related too of course.  Any ideas?

Should be fixed in the next version [1].

> * The camera sometimes fail and it requires a reboot.  It says it cannot
>   find the hardware or something similar.  It also causes hard crashes
>   sometimes, especially if I enter and exit the camera app a couple of
>   times in a row.

I didn't notice the "can't access camera" error anymore, except when I
switched between CyanogenMod and Replicant during debugging and didn't
do a factory reset. I'm currently finishing a fix for the next version
that is a workaround to the situation where the camera app seems to
become unresponsive and doesn't take a picture. If you press the "take a
picture" button again in this "freezed" state, it will reset the
connection to the camera and take the picture. I tried a second time to
debug the actual issue in the smdk4412 camera code but I failed again to
figure out at which point something goes wrong. The camera processes just
stay in an endless loop and never finish. But at least there will be a
workaround now which should also work if the issue appears on other

> Other than that it works fine as a daily phone.

This is nice to hear!


> /Simon

[1]  https://redmine.replicant.us/issues/1767#change-6465

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