[Replicant] Replicant 6.0 for the Note 2

Tiberiu tiberiu at tehnoetic.com
Thu Mar 9 08:08:49 UTC 2017

On 09.03.2017 09:49, Kurtis Hanna wrote:
> Michael Bohn:
>> the seclet_network.sh still did not find any networks like the RepWifi app.
>> But with the connect.sh I could connect to the wlan network and the
>> web browser works but not the  f-droid  app or the osmand app
>> Would it be possible to improve the RepWifi App that this app will
>> check if the Wifi Dongle is attached  or not ?
> This seems to be an F-Droid and OSMand problem, not a RepWifi App
> problem. See most recent posts in this thread:
> https://redmine.replicant.us/boards/9/topics/13932?r=14086
> Please post to this F-Droid issue if you can think of anything worth
> adding that isn't already on there:
> https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/issues/816
> From the F-Droid issue:
> "We did indeed add some code to try and detect the type of connection,
> so that people can select the setting "Only update automatically on
> unmetered networks like Wi-Fi". It seems that we have been a bit too
> strict though." https://gitlab.com/pserwylo (Peter Serwylo)
> Perhaps someone can ask Peter, or find themselves, where in F-Droid's
> code they are doing their connection detecting. If anyone finds it,
> please post it to this email list or the redmine forum thread above so
> we can see if we can create a pull request to fix the problemo.
> If you are experiencing the same problem with OSMand, perhaps they
> already have an issue already open in their tracker as well. Let us know
> if you find anything.

I was hoping that in Android there is a system variable that is set when
the phone is connected to WiFi or mobile data. If this is the case, then
we can set that variable and any Java application that looks at that
system variable would go ahead and try to use the network.


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