[Replicant] [PATCH 4/5] about: Add a bit about myself

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer wolfgit at wiedmeyer.de
Wed Mar 15 23:01:41 UTC 2017

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Wiedmeyer <wolfgit at wiedmeyer.de>
 about.php | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/about.php b/about.php
index a444633..a9e4e68 100644
--- a/about.php
+++ b/about.php
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 		 <div class="col-md-9">
 			<p>Replicant is a <a href="//www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">fully free</a> <a href="//www.android.com/">Android</a> distribution running on several devices, a free software mobile operating system putting the emphasis on freedom and privacy/security. It is based on <a href="//http://lineageos.org//">LineageOS</a> and replaces or avoids every <a href="//www.gnu.org/philosophy/proprietary.html">proprietary</a> component of the system, such as user-space programs and libraries as well as firmwares.<br />Replicant aims to be an ethical system: it does not ship nor recommend the use of non-free software.</p>
 			<p>Many different devices are supported by Replicant, to an extent specific to each device. Basic features such as graphics, sound and telephony (if applicable) are supposed to be working for each device (if not, developers are confident they will work soon).</p>
-			<p>Replicant is a community-led effort, currently driven by a single developer. Not every piece of software in Replicant should be expected to be fully-featured nor entirely reliable, even though developers are trying their best.</p>
+			<p>Replicant is a community-led effort, currently driven by two developers. Not every piece of software in Replicant should be expected to be fully-featured nor entirely reliable, even though developers are trying their best.</p>
 			<p>Replicant was founded in 2010 as a way to gather initiatives aiming to free the system running on the HTC Dream, the first publicly-available Android device. The project was started by members of <a href="//libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:LibrePlanet_Italia">LibrePlanet Italia</a> and <a href="//sfconservancy.org/">Software Freedom Conservancy</a>. The first usable version of Replicant was based upon Android 1.5 as released by the <a href="//source.android.com/">Android Open Source Project</a>: after some work, basic functionalities of the HTC Dream  were working. Starting from version 2.2, Replicant stopped using AOSP as a base and instead started using <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanogenmod">CyanogenMod</a>, which contains support for more devices.</p>
-			<p>Over time, various initial members of the project retired, leaving Denis "GNUtoo" Carikli as the only active developer of the project. However, in April 2011 Paul Kocialkowski, a user of Replicant, started getting involved in development. After porting Replicant to version 2.3 on the Nexus S and later on porting plenty more devices, Paul became the main developer of Replicant and is currently doing most of the work on the project.</p>
+			<p>Over time, various initial members of the project retired, leaving Denis "GNUtoo" Carikli as the only active developer of the project. However, in April 2011 Paul Kocialkowski, a user of Replicant, started getting involved in development. After porting Replicant to version 2.3 on the Nexus S and later on porting plenty more devices, Paul became the main developer of Replicant and was doing most of the work on the project for several years. In September 2015 Wolfgang Wiedmeyer started to contribute to the project. He ported Replicant to version 6.0 on the Galaxy S3 and later on ported more devices that were already supported by previous Replicant versions.</p>

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