[Replicant] Website updates for Replicant 6.0 release

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer wreg at wiedmeyer.de
Mon Mar 20 12:57:06 UTC 2017

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli writes:

> On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 00:01:37 +0100
> - Would it also be possible to fix the FSDG compliance by:
>   - Making a script to filter out non-fsdg compliant f-droid packages,
>     by filtering out packages with anti-features
>   - Asking f-droid people to maintain a separate repository for
>     Replicant without the packages with anti-features.
>   - Asking f-droid people to use that separate repository on Replicant
>     (they can probably detect that the Android distribution running is
>     Replicant).
>   This would fix the Replicant FSDG compliance issue, and not get
>   Replicant unlisted from the list of fully free (Android)
>   distributions.

I need to look into this. At the OHSW workshop, we tried to build
F-Droid using the Debian Android SDK, so it would be possible to work on
the app without the need to install the Google SDK (among other
reasons). But we were not successful at the time.

An important aspect should be how easy it is to update such a setup. If
the F-Droid maintainers are willing to maintain such a separate
repository, would it be easy to move new apps into the Replicant repo
and newly found non-free apps out of the repo?

Detecting Replicant in F-Droid and then applying changes is probably the
only way to get these changes accepted in F-Droid. The script could be
done by us and we update it ourselves. Considering all of this, why not
create a blacklist that is easy to update? The blacklist is created by
the script and called by F-Droid during parsing of the app list of the

We then only need to make merge requests to update the blacklist and
otherwise help to improve their antifeature marks.

I fear that by simply filtering out apps with antifeatures as it is
currently planned in the upstream bug[1], too many are filtered that are
actually free software. Having our own blacklist would mean a lot more
flexibility when it comes to deciding which apps should be hidden.

Best regards,

[1]  https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/issues/564

Website: https://fossencdi.org
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