[Replicant] [PATCH v2] Fix "RepWifi connection not correctly reported to userspace apps" Issue #1792.

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer wreg at wiedmeyer.de
Sun Aug 13 20:40:52 UTC 2017


see the corresponding issue[1] for my comments on the patch. I think the
patch is a nice short and elegant solution for now.

Fil writes:

> Joonas Kylmälä wrote:
>> I'm not talking about the method below the declarations, but instead
>> about the code that is above the declarations:
> Yes, I understood.
> I'd seen your point the first time. And I made mine, although it seems
> you're not willing to consider it. Anyway, if that's so important, and
> if anybody else gives reasons for those lines to be moved on top of the
> file, then I'll do a "v3" with those corrections.

I agree with Joonas on this. I also expected the declarations to be
before the first method that use them. But I don't care enough about it
in this case to ask you for a v3. It's not necessary to keep all your
changes together in one place.


[1]  https://redmine.replicant.us/issues/1792#note-17

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