[Replicant] git.replicant.us: Switch from Gitlab to cgit+Gitolite

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer wreg at wiedmeyer.de
Mon Aug 28 20:53:22 UTC 2017

Paul Kocialkowski writes:

> Le mercredi 16 août 2017 à 15:06 +0300, Tiberiu a écrit :
>> Hi again,
>> On 13.08.2017 00:30, Tiberiu wrote:
>> > Does the LineageOS mirror at the new Replicant git instance have
>> > nonfree blobs?
>> Do you have an answer?
> I haven't conducted an investigation of that code (and to be clear, I
> will not have the time to do it), but it is very uncommon to find blobs
> in those trees.
> If you find some, please let us know, we certainly don't want to be
> mirroring non-free software.

Over the last 1.5 years, I've been through several iterations of
checking the source for non-free software and others like Jookia have
helped along the way. Of course, that doesn't give a guarantee that all
non-free software is removed and it's always good to have some more eyes
checking the repos.

After the release of the first version of Replicant 6.0, I noticed some
more non-free code in the hardware repos for Intel, TI and InvenSense
when I worked on porting some of the tablets. None of the code is used
in Replicant. It's only downloaded when fetching the source code. I
guess some of the non-free code I found is also present in Replicant
4.2, but not used as well. I removed those from the manifest of the
development branch and the mirror. Only the Replicant 0001 release tag
is still present in those repos and they are not browsable in the web
interface. Unfortunately, I can't completely remove them because this
would break the source code download for the 0001 release. But
technically, this is comparable to having some blobs as part of the Git
history in some Replicant repos before they were removed by a Replicant
developer in later commits.

Best regards,

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