[Replicant] Free software driver for MALI GPUs?

Josh Branning lovell.joshyyy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 10:02:06 UTC 2018

Also, it's worth noting that ...

* None of the code license headers mention FAR 52.277-14 and DFAR252.227.

* Some of the previous licenses state that anyone obtaining a copy of 
the software is free to to deal in the Software without restriction, 
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, 
publish, distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software.

* One piece of source code is under the GPL, which may conflict with the 
other licenses, if the license doesn't conflict, then a view can be 
taken that the whole piece of software is GPL licensed.

If it were me, I'd ignore the README.UVD and delete it from any forks, 
as it seems to be a retrospective addition, but I am not a lawyer.


On 26/02/18 05:05, Jeremy Rand wrote:
> Josh Branning:
>> There is a linux driver that is under a different license
>> https://github.com/yuq/linux-lima
>> This is the one stated on the sunxi wiki.
>> As for mesa-lima, I don't know. If FAR 52.227-14 and DFAR252.227-7013
>> are licenses then on the face of things they look very long and
>> complicated. At the bottom, it notes that there may be export
>> restrictions "as stated in the Software License agreement" which hints
>> to there being even more legal stuff. I don't want to jump to
>> conclusions, but I wouldn't be surprised if this software was non-free.
>> It looks as if AMD own the rights, maybe someone could politely ask
>> them, as it may be more complete than linux-lima (idk).
>> What I do know is that it would be nice having a free, fully-functioning
>> Mali 3D graphics driver, as I own a few Mali devices myself.
> AFAIK those are both by the same developer, and are intended to be used
> in tandem (one is a Linux fork, the other is a Mesa fork; both forks are
> required to get the Mali GPU to work).
> Cheers,
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